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EasySocial Native for iOS and Android 1.0.6

EasySocial Native for iOS and Android 1.0.6

EasySocial native comes with built-in dark mode support right out of the box.
Native Video Uploads
Upload videos right from your mobile devices with EasySocial Native App.
Built on React Native
The app is written using React-native and it is optimized for mobile devices.
Cross-platform compatibility
Simultaneously runs on a single codebase for both iOS and Android OS.
Admob Integrations
Monetize from users who download your app with Google Admob.
Native Audio Uploads
Upload audio recordings right from your mobile devices into EasySocial.
Uniquely define and distinguish your social site from others.
Affordable Pricing
Affordable pricing plans for you to get started with your own native apps on iOS and Android.
TitanInstallation info:
* Tested only with clean installation. Didn't overwrite on any previous versions. Didn't install 2021 and 2022 side by side! All tests are performed with clean setup.

* Do NOT overwrite installations, clean install is highly recommended!

* Install the application. Preferably, do not start it yet. If you already did close it. Don't activate any trial use.
* Replace all 3 patched files in program directory.
* Under my test it worked without problems in online/offline/blocked via firewall mode. But for safety using a fw won't hurt.

Changes I've done:
* Saved license type as: Professional Perpetual (Permanent). Mode License: Unlimited Usage.
* There will be no expiration.

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