Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on MyShop.Place. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.

  1. Forum Rules

    1. Forum Policy:

      Welcome to our forum! To ensure a positive and constructive environment for all members, please adhere to the following rules:

      1. Be Respectful
      - Treat all members with respect and courtesy.
      - Personal attacks, harassment, and discrimination will not be tolerated.

      2. Stay On-Topic
      - Keep discussions relevant to the forum’s purpose.
      - Avoid derailing threads with unrelated content.

      3. No Spam or Self-Promotion
      - Refrain from posting spam or excessive self-promotion.
      - Only share links or resources if they are relevant and beneficial to the discussion.

      4. Use Clear and Appropriate Language
      - Avoid using offensive, vulgar, or inappropriate language.
      - Maintain a professional and friendly tone in all interactions.

      5. Respect Privacy
      - Do not share personal information about other members without their consent.
      - Be mindful of the privacy and security of yourself and others.

      6. Follow the Guidelines
      - Adhere to any additional guidelines specific to different forums or threads.
      - Moderators reserve the right to enforce rules and take action when necessary.

      7. Report Issues
      - If you encounter any problems or see a rule being broken, report it to the moderators.
      - Use the forum’s reporting tools or contact a moderator directly.

      8. No Illegal Activity
      - Do not engage in or promote illegal activities.
      - Respect all applicable laws and regulations.

      9. Respect Moderator Decisions
      - Follow the instructions of forum moderators.
      - If you disagree with a moderation decision, address it respectfully through appropriate channels.

      10. Have Fun and Engage Positively
      - Enjoy your time on the forum!
      - Contribute positively to discussions and support fellow members.

      Thank you for being a part of our community. By following these rules, we can create a welcoming and constructive space for everyone. #
  2. Policing Rules

    1. Policing and Unofficial Moderation:

      While we encourage community members to maintain a respectful, welcoming, and positive environment, it is important to remember that addressing inappropriate behavior or rule violations is the responsibility of the forum’s official moderation team. We understand that you may feel inclined to step in when you see a member acting in a way that you believe is harmful or against the rules. However, taking matters into your own hands by confronting or correcting other users directly—also known as "policing"—can often escalate situations unnecessarily and create a negative atmosphere.

      If you encounter content or behavior that you believe violates the forum rules, the appropriate action is to use the "Report" feature, or privately contact a moderator or administrator to handle the situation. This allows for a fair, impartial review of the issue and prevents misunderstandings or personal biases from affecting the outcome. Keep in mind that moderating requires full context and careful consideration of our guidelines, which the moderation team is trained to handle.

      Engaging in unofficial moderation, such as publicly calling out or correcting others, making judgmental remarks, or escalating conflicts, may be considered disruptive and counterproductive. Our goal is to foster a space where conversations can take place in a respectful, calm, and constructive manner. When members engage in policing behaviors, it can undermine that goal and create unnecessary friction within the community.

      We encourage all members to focus on contributing to discussions in a positive way, leading by example, and supporting the forum’s official moderation team in maintaining a safe, welcoming environment for everyone. Let the moderators do their job, and trust the process in place for handling disputes or rule-breaking behavior. #
  3. Avatar Rules

    1. Avatar Policy:

      Your avatar is an important part of your identity within the community, and we encourage creativity and personal expression. However, to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment, we ask all users to follow these guidelines when selecting or updating their avatars:


      Avatars must be appropriate for all audiences. Avoid using images that are offensive, discriminatory, violent, explicit, or otherwise unsuitable for a public forum. This includes but is not limited to:
      Nudity, sexual content, or provocative imagery
      Depictions of violence or graphic content
      Hate symbols, extremist symbols, or offensive language
      Content that could be seen as promoting illegal activities
      Avatars should be in line with the general tone and decorum of the community, promoting a positive and welcoming atmosphere.
      Copyright and Ownership:

      Do not use copyrighted or trademarked images unless you own the rights or have explicit permission to use them. This includes images of well-known characters, logos, or artwork. Make sure that your avatar complies with intellectual property laws and does not infringe on someone else’s work.
      If you’re unsure whether an image is copyrighted, consider using free, open-source images or creating your own unique avatar.
      Respecting Others’ Identities:

      Your avatar should not imitate or resemble other members of the forum in a way that could cause confusion, misrepresentation, or impersonation. This includes using avatars similar to those of moderators, administrators, or prominent community members.
      Avoid avatars that mock or disrespect the identity of individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or other personal characteristics.
      Size and Format:

      Ensure that your avatar meets the forum’s technical requirements regarding size and format. Oversized avatars or files that are too large can affect the overall user experience by slowing down page loading times. Check the specific size limit and format (e.g., .png, .jpg, .gif) allowed by the forum.
      Avatars should be clearly visible and not distorted. Avoid stretched, blurry, or pixelated images that are difficult to view.
      Animated Avatars:

      If animated avatars (e.g., GIFs) are allowed, they should be used responsibly. Flashing, rapidly moving, or overly distracting animations can negatively affect the forum experience, especially for members with visual sensitivities or conditions such as epilepsy.
      Ensure that any animations used are subtle and do not overwhelm the page or distract from discussions.
      Political and Controversial Content:

      While we value free expression, avatars that promote or depict strongly divisive political views, propaganda, or controversial topics that could lead to tension or disruption are discouraged. We aim to keep discussions focused on the forum’s core topics and maintain a neutral, respectful environment for all members.
      Moderation and Enforcement:

      Forum moderators and administrators reserve the right to remove or request changes to any avatar that violates these guidelines or is deemed inappropriate for the community. Failure to comply with a moderator’s request may result in the removal of avatar privileges or other disciplinary actions.
      Repeated violations of avatar rules may lead to temporary or permanent restrictions on your account.
      By adhering to these guidelines, you help contribute to a community that is safe, welcoming, and enjoyable for all members. #
  4. Signature Rules

    1. Signature Policy:

      Signatures are a great way to personalize your posts and share a little more about yourself or your interests. However, to ensure that they do not detract from the forum experience or disrupt discussions, we ask that all members follow these guidelines:

      1. Content and Tone:
      Respectful Language: All signature content should align with the forum’s overall rules and maintain a respectful, friendly tone. Offensive language, personal attacks, or inflammatory remarks are not permitted.
      No Controversial or Sensitive Topics: Avoid including content related to divisive political, religious, or controversial topics. Signatures are meant to be neutral and non-disruptive.
      Personal Expression: Feel free to include personal statements, quotes, or information, but ensure that it contributes positively to the community. Avoid negative or hostile remarks about individuals, groups, or other forum members.
      2. Size and Length:
      Text Limitations: To maintain readability across the forum, signatures should not exceed a reasonable length. A maximum of 4-5 lines of text is recommended. Overly long signatures can clutter discussions and distract from the content of posts.
      Image Restrictions: If images are allowed, they must be within the forum’s specified size limits (e.g., no more than 600x150 pixels). Large, high-resolution, or multiple images are discouraged, as they can slow page loading times and disrupt the flow of conversation.
      File Size: Ensure that any image used in your signature does not exceed the maximum file size allowed by the forum (typically between 100-200 KB). Oversized files can affect site performance.
      3. No Advertising or Commercial Links:
      Personal Websites: While linking to personal websites or blogs in your signature is allowed, avoid overt promotion of commercial products, services, or brands. This forum is not a platform for advertising or self-promotion.
      Affiliate and Referral Links: Signatures may not contain affiliate links, referral codes, or any content that promotes earning rewards or benefits through user clicks or sign-ups.
      Business or Product Endorsements: Signatures should not include endorsements or promotions for businesses, products, or services unless specifically allowed by the forum’s advertising policy.
      4. Linking Guidelines:
      Relevant and Appropriate Links: Any links included in signatures must be relevant to the forum's topics or your personal interests. Linking to inappropriate, harmful, or illegal content is strictly prohibited.
      Number of Links: Limit the number of links in your signature to a reasonable amount (typically no more than 2-3 links). This ensures that the signature remains clean and easy to navigate, without overwhelming users.
      5. No Excessive Formatting:
      Font and Color: While some customization is allowed, avoid using excessive bolding, large fonts, or bright colors that make your signature visually disruptive. It should blend in with the overall forum aesthetic and not draw undue attention away from discussions.
      Animations and Flashing Content: Animated GIFs or other moving content should be used sparingly, if at all. Rapidly flashing or distracting elements can interfere with user experience, especially for members with visual sensitivities.
      6. Personal Information:
      Privacy Considerations: Avoid sharing personal information such as phone numbers, home addresses, or other private details in your signature. This is for your safety and privacy, as signatures are visible on every post you make.
      Impersonation and Misrepresentation: Do not use signatures to impersonate other members, moderators, or staff. Signatures should accurately reflect your identity and interests without misleading others.
      7. Moderation and Enforcement:
      Compliance with Forum Rules: All signatures must comply with the general forum rules and guidelines. Signatures that are found to be in violation may be edited or removed by the moderation team without prior notice.
      Moderator Requests: If a moderator requests that you change or adjust your signature, you are expected to comply promptly. Failure to follow such requests may result in the temporary or permanent suspension of signature privileges.
      Signature Bans: Repeat violations of the signature policy may lead to restrictions, including the removal of signature privileges or other disciplinary measures.
      By adhering to these signature guidelines, you help maintain a positive, clean, and engaging environment for all forum members. Thank you for your cooperation! #
  5. Spam Rules

    1. Spam Policy:

      To ensure that the forum remains a productive and enjoyable space for all members, spamming in any form is strictly prohibited. These guidelines define what constitutes spam and the expectations for content sharing within the community.

      1. Definition of Spam:
      Unsolicited Commercial Promotion: Any post, message, or thread created with the primary purpose of advertising products, services, or websites without prior approval from forum administrators is considered spam. This includes, but is not limited to, promoting businesses, affiliate links, referral codes, and multi-level marketing schemes.
      Repetitive Posts: Posting the same message or variations of the same content across multiple threads or forums is considered spam. This includes copy-pasting identical responses, bumping old threads unnecessarily, or posting irrelevant content to increase post count.
      Low-Quality or Off-Topic Posts: Posts that contribute little to the discussion, such as one-word responses, irrelevant links, or off-topic content, may also be classified as spam. Users are encouraged to provide meaningful contributions that are relevant to the topic at hand.
      2. Link Spam:
      Excessive Linking: Posting links without context or spamming links to external sites, especially those unrelated to the forum’s discussions, is prohibited. This includes linking to commercial websites, irrelevant blogs, or unrelated media in an attempt to drive traffic or generate clicks.
      Affiliate or Referral Links: Any post containing affiliate marketing links, referral codes, or links intended to generate personal profit is not allowed unless explicitly permitted by the forum’s advertising or affiliate policy. Such content should be submitted only in designated areas, if applicable.
      3. Private Message (PM) Spam:
      Unsolicited Messages: Sending private messages (PMs) for promotional purposes, mass messaging multiple members, or repeatedly contacting users with irrelevant or unwelcome content is considered spam. All private messages should be respectful, relevant, and in line with forum etiquette.
      Advertising via PM: It is strictly forbidden to send advertisements, sales pitches, or unsolicited business offers through private messages. If you receive such messages, please report them to the moderation team for further action.
      4. Bot and Automated Spam:
      Automated Posting: Using bots, scripts, or other automated means to create posts or send messages is considered spam. This includes automated mass posting, commenting, or creating fake accounts to manipulate forum discussions or promote content.
      Fake Accounts: The creation of multiple fake accounts for the purpose of spamming, promoting content, or manipulating forum votes, likes, or reputation systems is prohibited. Any accounts found engaging in such behavior will be banned.
      5. Mass Promotions and Events:
      Promoting Events: Members looking to promote events, contests, or other large-scale promotions should seek prior approval from the forum’s administrators or post in designated areas if available. Unauthorized promotion of events may be considered spam and removed.
      Crowdfunding and Donation Requests: Requests for donations, crowdfunding campaigns (such as GoFundMe or Kickstarter), or charity promotions are prohibited unless permission has been granted by forum administrators. This ensures that such requests are legitimate and properly vetted.
      6. Signature and Profile Spam:
      Promotional Signatures: Adding promotional links, banners, or advertisements to your signature without prior approval is considered spam. This includes affiliate links, referral codes, and links to businesses or personal commercial ventures. (See Signature Policy for more details.)
      Profile Spamming: Using your forum profile to promote products, services, or websites by filling bio sections, avatars, or personal status messages with promotional content is also a form of spam and is not allowed.
      7. Forum Disruption:
      Thread Hijacking: Taking over an existing thread by posting irrelevant content, promoting your own content, or pushing off-topic discussions is a form of spam. Respect the flow of conversation and only contribute relevant insights or questions.
      Trolling and Fake Controversies: Creating threads or posts with the intent to incite controversy, spread misinformation, or troll other members for attention is considered a form of disruptive spam.
      8. Reporting Spam:
      Use the Report Feature: If you encounter spam, avoid engaging with the spammer. Instead, use the report feature to notify the moderators or administrators. Engaging with spammers can increase their visibility, while reporting helps the moderation team address the issue quickly.
      Do Not Publicly Call Out Spam: Publicly calling out spam or spammers can escalate situations unnecessarily. Instead, quietly report the post or message to the moderation team so they can take appropriate action.
      9. Consequences of Spamming:
      Warnings and Suspensions: Members found engaging in spam will receive warnings from the moderation team. Repeated offenses may result in temporary suspension or permanent banning from the forum.
      Account Bans: Users who create multiple spam accounts, use bots, or intentionally disrupt the community may face immediate banning without prior warning.
      Post Removal: Any content found to be spam will be removed by moderators, and repeat offenders may have their posting privileges revoked.
      By adhering to these spam rules, you help create a cleaner, more engaging forum experience for all members. #
  6. Link Rules