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  • JCH Optimize Pro v8.2.2 - Joomla


    Purchase Link: JCH Optimize Pro v8.2.2 - Joomla


    JCH Optimize Pro v8.2.2 - Joomla Extension
    Speed up your Joomla!, WordPress, Drupal & Magento website instantly with JCH Optimize. This plugin combines your external JavaScript and CSS files into one to minimize expensive http requests. These files can be minified and gzipped to reduce bandwidth and further optimize download time. Typical results after plugin is configured with optimum settings for your site is a 6-10 point jump on Page Speed. This results in enhanced user experience and can favourably affect website traffic and Google ranking

    Major Features

    • Combine javascript/css files into one
    • Combine background images in a sprite
    • Minify (Compress) and gzip aggregated files
    • Exclude individual files or files from extensions that do not aggregate well
    • Can defer javascript or place at end of page for optimized download

    For Joomla!, WordPress, Drupal & Magento website

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  • JShortcodes v4.6 - Page Builder for Joomla with ChatGPT - Joomla


    Purchase Link: JShortcodes v4.6 - Page Builder for Joomla with ChatGPT


    JShortcodes v4.6 - Page Builder for Joomla with ChatGPT - Joomla Extension

    JShortcodes for Joomla is the ultimate page builder that includes more than 100 ready to use widgets and ChatGPT through shortcodes thanks to a user-friendly interface that is integrated and accessible within the Joomla editor!

    JShortcodes works through special shortcodes embedded in any content that supports the standard Joomla contents preparation including articles, custom HTML modules, Virtuemart, Hikashop, Easyblog, Easydiscussion, Zoo, K2 and many more!

    With JShortcodes it's possible to design in a simple way a full template layout based on a flexible grid with responsive rows, columns and containers, or add a section such as a portfolio, a gallery, a FAQs page, a pricing plan in just one click. It's a matter of adding the shortcode needed to display that widget within your content!

    With JShortcodes page builder there are no limits to what you can do, the only limit is your imagination.

    Furthermore the plugin supports Joomla template overrides for the maximum flexibility and the Joomla native multilanguage.



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  • JRedirects 2.0


    Purchase Link: JRedirects 2.0


    JRedirects 2.0 - Joomla


    JRedirects finally makes it possible to manage redirects from old to new links automatically! It's a revolutionary way to break with the past when you needed to map old links to new ones! It's an invaluable tool to improve SEO, ranking and indexing of your website!

    With JRedirects everytime that you change a menu or article alias or you change the structure of menu items, the old links are automatically mapped to the new ones under the hood!
    There are no actions required on your part, the plugin will work seamlessly to redirect automatically users and search engines to new links.

    Doing HTTP 301 redirects is the most efficient and Search Engine Friendly method for webpage redirection to preserve your search engine rankings and Seo Juice assigned to your website pages.
    It also has the additional benefit of preventing people from getting on “Page not Found” errors when they follow old links to pages on your site. They’re gracefully and automatically redirected to the appropriate new page on the site and optionally prompted to update their bookmarks.

    Keeping your SEO juice is actually pretty simple with JRedirects!
    Moreover a lot of additional features are available to help you to maximize several SEO aspects of your website.

    JRedirects main functionalities include:
    Automated redirects changing the structure and hierarchy of menus
    Automated redirects changing alias for either menu, Joomla! contents/categories and K2 contents
    Prevent duplicated links: JRedirects blocks and warns you when you are creating a duplicated link
    Fixes duplicated links for paginated results
    Prevent duplicated aliases: JRedirects blocks and warns you when you are creating a duplicated alias
    Prevent links spamming: JRedirects throw a 404 page for wrong links so that search engines won't index fake links but only good links
    Redirects management in the Joomla! backend, edit, disable redirects, etc
    Get stats for pages, keywords, clicks, ranking of your website with the new Google Search Console integration™
    Redirect Checker to retrieve informations about links validity and redirection
    Htaccess assisted editor
    Redirect a whole category of article to a new one with massive redirects thanks to the .htaccess editor
    Robots.txt integrated editor
    Migrate URLs with ID to URLs without ID, redirect old links having numeric IDs to new links without IDs without losing the website indexing
    Migrate URLs by suffix, redirect links with or without the '.html' suffix without losing the website indexing
    Domain prefix redirection, redirect all your links from the www. domain to the non-www domain or vice versa
    Custom domain redirection, you can redirect all links to the new custom website domain
    Mobile detection and redirection, it's able to detect mobile devices and redirect them to a specific domain
    Fixes the Google warning to access CSS/JS files

    -Automatic redirects: JRedirects manage redirects to new links automatically everytime you change alias or menu structure

    -SEO stats: get detailed stats for your website about keywords, ranking, etc with the Google Search Console integration™

    -Htaccess editor: an integrated and easy-to-use editor for the htaccess, manage redirects between categories and avoid errors

    -Custom domain redirect: you can redirect all links to the new custom website domain

    -Prevent duplicates: you will be warned when you are going to create a duplicated link or alias in your Joomla! menus

    -Robots.txt editor: edit the robots.txt directly in the Joomla! backend in an easy manner with the integrated editor

    -Domain prefix redirect: redirect all your links from the www. domain to the non-www domain or vice versa

    Available for ALL JOOMLA VERSIONS starting from 2.5


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  • Docman 5.0.2 - JoomlaTools


    Purchase Link: Docman 5.0.2 - JoomlaTools


    Docman 5.0.2 - JoomlaTools
    DOCman is a powerful document management solution for Joomla Manage documents across categories and subcategories, allow users to upload, download or edit documents. Store documents either locally or remotely and give access to individual users or user groups using the powerful permission system.

    All from within an intuitive and simple to use administration interface.


    DOCman makes offering downloadable documents on your Joomla site a breeze!

    • Documents Listing. Easily create a list of downloadable documents for your site users using the build-in list and table layouts.
    • Nested categories. Documents can be organized across infinite categories and subcategories.
    • Easy Document Linking. Easily insert links to documents into articles using the DOClink editor plugin, you can even insert links to categories and menu items.
    • Private documents. DOCman allows to share documents privately and securely with individual users using the build-in document ownership permissions.
    • Joomla ACL support. DOCman makes full use of the Joomla permission system. You can set add, edit, delete, upload and download permissions for categories and documents.
    • Access Level Inheritance. You do not need to set access permissions for each document and/or category. Access levels are inherited. This makes managing your access permissions a lot easier.
    • Remote or Local Storage. Files can either be hosted locally or you can easily link to files stored on a remote server or external network drive.
    • Drag Drop Upload. You can upload multiple files at once or upload remote files from a URL. The file uploader has a built-in drag and drop area.
    • Large file support. DOCman is capable of handling very large files (> 1GB). It can automatically resume interrupted downloads.
    • Thumbnail Support. Generates thumbnails for every image, cache them and loading them all at once. Saves bandwidth and computing power.
    • Internationalised. Full support for international filenames and folder names running on Joomla. Your files can now be named in your own language without any worries.
    • Security. The built-in security measures avoid direct linking to files. Real paths to files are never displayed to users.
    • Download Logging. Log downloads from logged in by time/date and track IP address, through our LOGman extension.
    • Google Analytics. Keep track of document downloads and image views with our build-in support for Google Analytics.
    • Document Submissions. Use DOCman to setup a file dropbox from the frontend of your site.
    • Video streaming. DOCman has build in support for video and audio streaming.
    • Document preview. DOCman leverages the PDF reading support in modern browsers and includes support for Google Document Viewer.
    • Integrated Search. Documents can be searched by name and/or description. The search system integrates with Joomla standard search and Smart Search out of the box.

    DOCman has everything packed to allow you to easily manage your document and downloads.


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  • AcyMailing Enterprise 9.7.2 - Joomla


    Purchase Link: AcyMailing Enterprise 9.7.2 - Joomla Extension


    AcyMailing Enterprise 9.7.2 - Joomla Extension

    Build the best email marketing campaign: faster, easier and automated. AcyMailing is a reliable Newsletter and Email Marketing extension for Joomla.

    It enables you to efficiently manage an unlimited number of subscribers, organize them into mailing lists, send personalized newsletters (Hi {name}...) and automate them


    • Easily include Joomla blog Articles and any user information in your newsletters with dynamic text (like birthday, user data, time, name, e-mail, a custom field…).
    • Let users subscribe to your newsletters and email marketing on your Joomla registration form.
    • No HTML knowledge required, enjoy the email marketing and newsletter creation with our drag and drop editor (create your template in a minute with our saved zones).
    • Subscription form builder.
    • Fully multilingual interfaces, AcyMailing is translated in 60 languages!


    Front-End newsletter archive section. Profile menu item to let users manage their subscriptions. False email addresses filtering and many captcha integrations (hCaptcha, Google’s reCaptcha, reCaptcha v3 or invisible reCaptcha). Handle SMTP Secured Connections (you can use GMail to send your newsletters). AcyMailing has its own sending service. You don’t need an external service. Plug AcyMailing to an external delivery service such as Mandrill, SendGrid, ElasticEmail, Amazon SES... Administrator/User Notifications. AcyMailing uses the Joomla MVC model to let you customize any view.


    Automated mass actions on users (such as birthday newsletters, welcome messages…) Follow-up newsletters (sequence of emails based on a user action with a delay between each email). Scheduled newsletters and email marketing campaigns. Create your marketing automation workflows in a few minutes. You can easily duplicate your automations with one click. Automatically handle bounce messages.


    Social media share options (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Blog…). Newsletter template management including 3 responsive newsletter-templates out of the box. Automatic inline-css conversion for mail client compatibility. Attachment capability, Embedded images option. Newsletter Statistics management (Number of Sent / Opened / clicked...). Advanced Newsletter statistics (who opened your Newsletter and when). Desktop and mobile newsletter preview.


    Real time send process using a queue system with throttling enabling you to overcome any server limitation! Record the User IP to stay compliant with all countries laws. Double opt-in and automatic unsubscribe link. CAN-SPAM compliant. GDPR compliant. Validation and Confirmation of the email address. Mass Subscription using filters and mass actions. Automatic synchronization with your Joomla Users.





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  • Smart Slider Pro


    Purchase Link: Smart Slider Pro - Joomla


    Smart Slider Pro - Joomla Extension



    Smart Slider 3 is a brand new and intuitive Joomla extension to create sliders which was never possible before with any slider extensions. Besides that Smart Slider gives you the tool to create YouTube and Vimeo slides, create slides from your Joomla articles, even more it has a complete easy-to-use slide editor with different layers. Don't hesitate install the Smart Slider 3 and enjoy the next generation Joomla experience.


    • User-friendly Editor - Anyone can build with Smart Slider. The interface comes with drag&drop builder and live preview.
    • Totally integrated with Joomla - module, shortcode and ACL
    • Fully responsive and touch friendly - Sliders can be enjoyed in any environment, be it a mobile, tablet or desktop.
    • 4 slider types - Simple slider, Showcase slider, Carousel slider, Accordion slider and Block type. You can create whole landing pages easily with blocks.
    • Dynamic Slides - Available sources are listed below
    • Customizable controls - Arrows, Bullets, Autoplay, Indicator, Bar, Thumbnails, Shadows, Full screen and custom HTML
    • Slide backgrounds - Lot of super smooth background animations and Ken Burns effect
    • Layers - Build unique design with varied layers: Image, Heading, Text, Button, Vimeo, YouTube, Input, List, Icon, Caption, Transition, Iframe, HTML5 video, HTML and Area
    • Font and Style manager system - Change easily all the details that really matter in typography and style.
    • Powerful layer animation system to give layers motion and transitions. The possibilities of what you can build are endless. Even more you can create different type of layer animations: In, Loop and Out
    • In-built image editor and lightbox
    • Complete detailed documentation
    • Tutorial videos - http://smartslider3.com/videos/
    • Sample sliders - more than 40 sliders to start


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  • LOGman 5.0.0 - JoomlaTools


    Purchase Link: LOGman 5.0.0 - JoomlaTools


    LOGman 5.0.2 - JoomlaTools


    LOGman is an extension that brings Facebook style user activity feeds to Joomla administration backend. Easily keep track of what is happening on your site and what other people are doing. Record and view the activities of your web administrators, writers, editors & even yourself

    Knowing whats happening on your site and what other people are doing is an essential part of web administration. Whether youre alone or working with a team of web administrators, writers and editors, having the ability to record and view their activities in your site is essential.

    Key Features

    Log everything. LOGman is capable of logging more than 60+ different user actions and has full support for all our Joomlatools extensions.

    * Log Purging. Automatic or manual log purging. By default logs are kept for 90 days before being automatically deleted. This can be configured.

    * CSV export. Easily export all or part of your site logged activities to CSV with the build in export tool.

    * Easy Filtering. Filter your activity feed to show actions performed within a time period, by component or by user.

    * Get a quick overview of all user activity straight from your Joomla Dashboard using our LOGman activity module.

    * Other features. Ability to enable or disable user login and logout logging, log DOCman downloads, track IP addresses for each action logged and log contact form submissions.

    * Web standards. Implements the Activity Streams Standard, as used by Facebook, Google plus, Twitter etc.. For more info see: http://activitystrea.ms/

    * Joomla ACL support. Full support for the Joomla ACL. Easily manage who has access to LOGman, and who can manage the activities logs.


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  • Mini Frontpage Pro 2.5.0


    Purchase Link: Mini Frontpage Pro 2.5.0


    Mini Frontpage Pro 2.5.0 - Product
    Mini Frontpage Pro is the extended version of Mini Frontpage module, an advanced news display module for Joomla. It displays the joomla articles from selected categories with date, thumbnail, excerpt in various design and layout. It’s simple and easy to use. It also comes with many parameters to configure, to help you to create a good looking news block for your Joomla website quickly.
    • K2 Support / version
    • Custom Fields support
    • Multiple item support, you can publish multiple Minifrontpage Pro modules in the same page
    • Responsive Design, the module will look good in any device
    • Flexible parameters to suit your needs, from basic parameters such article category source, show hide introtext with trim function, articles filter etc, to theme based parameters such as number of column, custom date format, thumbnail posistion etc
    • Theme skins with advanced features such as Ajax Infinity scroll, etc. Each theme may comes with some skins for alternate style. If you know css, you can make your own theme skin and upload it to Minifrontpage Pro skin folder
    • CSS adjustment. 
If you just need to make small style modification, there’s also a css adjustment field to add css override/modification without touching the physical file.
    • Generate thumbnail from external website / source
    • Time ago date format
    • Youtube as item background (Depends on Theme)
    • Joomla 4-5



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  • FILEman 5.0.0 - JoomlaTools


    Purchase Link: FILEman 5.0.0 - JoomlaTools


    FILEman 5.0.0 - JoomlaTools


    FILEman is an advanced file manager from Joomla A lightweight, speedy and vamped up version of the Joomla media manager featuring multiple and remote file uploads, automatic thumbnail generation and easy file linking. On the frontend it comes with a built-in image gallery and support for file download listings

    The FILEman user interface is built with AJAX, HTML5, and CSS3 technologies making for a much more responsive user experience. You can easily drag and drop files for upload with no page reload necessary.

    Key Features

    • Image Gallery. Simply put all your images in a folder and create a menu item for it to get an instant image gallery.
    • File Listing. Easily create a list of downloadable files on your site. Create a menu item and select the folder and/or subfolders you want to list. That's all.
    • Drag and drop. Drop multiple files right from your desktop into the uploader in both frontend and administrator. Fast and simple.
    • Easy File Linking. Easily insert links to files into articles using the FILElink editor plugin, you can even insert links to folders and menu items.
    • Thumbnail Support. Generates thumbnails for every image, cache them and loading them all at once. Saves bandwidth and computing power.
    • Internationalized. Full support for international filenames and folder names running on Joomla. Your files can now be named in your own language without any worries.
    • Remote File Uploads. Upload files directly from a URL. Instant file size validation ensures you never upload files that are to big.
    • Google Analytics. Keep track of file downloads and image views with our build-in support for Google Analytics.
    • File Submissions. Use FILEman to setup a file dropbox from the frontend of your site.
    • Joomla ACL support. Full support for the Joomla ACL. Easily manage who can access FILEman and who can upload and delete files.

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  • News Ticker Contona 2.0.6


    Purchase Link: News Ticker Contona 2.0.6


    News Ticker Contona 2.0.6 - Joomla extension
    • You can use it to display News, Breaking News, Offers, Notice, Testimonials, Messages.
    • RTL/LTR feature
    • 3 Styles of news scrolling: Fade, Vertical Slide, and Horizontal Slide.
    • 11 predefined Themes and Custom Styling Option.
    • Style the News Ticker according to your template; change colors of text, link, background.
    • Put Heading & News texts in any language.
    • Change the size of the display; Small, Medium & Large.
    • Enable or Disable Border. Change Border Width.
    • Change the Speed of Scrolling.
    • Fully responsive.

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  • RAXO Pagination - Module Layout v1.7 - Joomla


    Purchase Link: RAXO Pagination - Module Layout v1.7 - Joomla


    RAXO Pagination - Module Layout v1.7 - Joomla

    RAXO Pagination layout offers your site visitors quick and convenient navigation through content displayed by RAXO modules. It's a useful nice-to-have feature for your Joomla site.

    The more organized your websites are, the easier it is for users to follow your arguments and get the message you are trying to deliver. And pagination allows you to structure information, reduce complexity and improve readability.

    This template can be used on news portals, portfolios, catalogs, or any other sites with lots of content.



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  • EB Dark Mode - Joomla Extension v1.7


    Purchase Link: EB Dark Mode - Joomla Extension v1.7


    Introducing EB Dark Mode Module


    Enhance your website with Dark Mode for improved readability and user experience, especially during night-time browsing. The EB Dark Mode module allows users to seamlessly switch between Dark/Night Mode and standard light mode, reducing eye strain and increasing content engagement.


    Key Features:


    • Compatible with Joomla 3, 4, and 5
    • Cross-browser support: Works on all desktop and mobile browsers.
    • Customizable Dark Mode switcher: Choose from 10 styles and multiple positions.
    • Tailored appearance: Customize background, content, and link colors for Dark Mode.
    • Section-specific control: Disable Dark Mode for any section or module using a simple class suffix.
    • Persistent Dark Mode: The mode selection (on/off) is saved when navigating between pages.


    Recent Updates:


    • v1.7: Joomla 5 support added.
    • v1.6: Joomla 4 stable release support.
    • v1.5: General functionality improvements.
    • v1.4: Introduced automatic Dark Mode (configurable timing) and Joomla cache support.
    • v1.3: Enhanced CSS for better visibility.
    • v1.2: New feature: Disable Dark Mode for specific sections and save mode state across pages.


    For T3/T4 Framework Users:


    The T3/T4 frameworks include a DEBUG module position, which might not be enabled by default. To activate this module:


    • Enable the default DEBUG position in your T3/T4 framework.
    • If it doesn’t work, follow Joomla standards to create a custom DEBUG position.
    • Refer to this tutorial for instructions on adding a custom DEBUG position.


    More Information:


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