It provides advanced taxes, zones, languages and currencies management for worldwide sales as well as advanced customization capabilities of your online shop in order to meet your website ecommerce needs. HikaShop Starter is a complete e-commerce solution which will allow you to have a full-flegded online shop on your Joomla website in minutes.
Catalog - Unlimited number of products & categories - Optimize your SEO with HikaShop's support of meta data, canonical URLs, Open Graph and microdata - Advanced pricing options with several currencies, with quantity rebates, etc - Variants, options custom fields systems for your products - Handle downloadable goods (with possible restrictions) as well as shippable goods - Related products - Products badge system (new products, discounted products, etc) - Native vote and comment system and integration with jComments and jomComment.
Layout - Products and categories display module with a wide range of options - Translation interface to easily translate HikaShop in your language and share it with the community - Compatible with the translation override system of Joomla - Joomla content tags in order to add "add to cart" buttons, product prices, etc anywhere on your website - Responsive design with BootStrap support
Cart & Checkout - Highly customizable checkout process (workflow as well as layouts) - Checkout steps reduced as much as possible to increase transformation - Multiple currencies, with auto conversion based on currencies rates and currency switcher module - Coupons and discounts - Advanced tax management with multiple taxes supported + TaxCloud plugin for automatic tax calculations - A ReCaptcha integration plugin which enables you to display the recaptcha on your registration forms - User address custom fields - Possibility to force SSL on the checkout
Extending HikaShop - More than 60 FREE payment plugins to handle online credit card payments including: Paypal Standard, Pro and Express Checkout, Google Checkout, with AIM, SIM and DPM, Moneybookers, Bluepaid, EPay, SagePay, Payment Express, Payza, eWAY, SIPS ATOS, SIPS ATOS v2, CM-CIC, HSBC CPI, iVeri, PayJunction, ServiRed, Innovative Gateay Intuit, CardSave, RBS Business and Global Gateway, AliPay, MIGS (for Bendigo, Commweb and ANZ egate), OKPay, VirtualMerchant, iPayDNA, PostFinance, PayBox, Ogone, Amazon FPS, CECA, eSelect/Moneris, Stripe, BitPay etc - Credit card plugin to collect credit card information for offline processing - Bank transfer, purchase order, check offline payment plugins - Australia Post, Canada Post, UPS, USPS, FedEx, CanPAR, Envoimoinscher, Mondial Relay, etc FREE shipping plugins - Configure shipping rules per weight/volume/zone/post code/product with the manual shipping plugin in order to accomodate with any combination of shipping pricing - Integration with Community Builder and JomSocial for orders listing in user's own profile - Integration with XMAP, OSMap and MapX for site map - Integration with Joomla's breadcrumb and search module - Integration with sh404SEF and Joomla's SEF systems - Integrations available for hundreds of other systems, extensions and third party services (accounting software, ERPs, shipping tracking, subscription systems, payment gateways, shipping platforms, etc) - Events triggering plugins enabling you to extend easily HikaShop using standard joomla plugins without any hack - Views customization override interface (compatible with the Joomla MVC)
Management - Orders invoice, history and edition - Dashboard statistics widgets - Customize your order statuses - Reports system in order to output advanced sales reports - Emails history - Import/Export products/categories information and export of orders - Powerful mass action system allowing to generate actions based on triggers and filters (like notifications after orders, modifications of product data in batches, etc) - Front-end user control panel for your customers to access their orders history, addresses, carts, etc
General - HikaShop is available in more than 30 languages - Integrated Documentation - Administrator/User email notifications - Multilingual support compatible with JoomFish and Falang - Import from VirtueMart 1.x, VirtueMart 2.x and 3.x, MijoShop, RedShop and OpenCart - Compatible with Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3.x
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Easy Blog is the best Joomla blog extension which empowers more than 80,000 Joomla! web sites and blog. EasyBlog can be used to manage your personal blog, company blog, category blogs or even team blogs. Easy Blog has tons of Social Network integrations that allows you to automatically post to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Easy Blog extension also has built-in integrations with EasySocial, JomSocial & Community Builder. Easy Blog was featured on the Community Choice Extensions in Joomla Extensions Directory as one of the best blog component. Why choose Easy Blog?
All-in-One blog component to start blogging in Joomla because it has tons of features.
Easy Blog is integrated with tons of 3rd party Joomla extensions & non Joomla extensions.
Smooth and seamless blog layout integration with major Joomla templates in the market.
Great for managing team blog and group blog with extensive ACL flexibility.
Top quality products backed by a team of experienced web developers (see our Reviews below)
Most popular Joomla Blog component that professional and novice users love.
Some of the key features in Easy Blog
Simple composing interface for authors to compose blog post on the front end.
Allows multiple blog authors without logging into the back end.
Auto posting to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn when a blog post is created.
Remote blogging via Windows Live Writer, MarsEdit or ScribeFire.
Migration from Joomla Articles, My Blog, K2, Zoo, Wordpress for Joomla or Wordpress.
Built in commenting system with integrations with Komento, Facebook Comments, Compojoom Comments, EasySocial and others.
Sharing to reputable social websites including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, VK, Pinterest and a lot more.
Built in media manager to manage images, files, videos with the capability of having shared media.
RSS Feed importer that automagically import RSS feeds from external websites.
Built in e-mail parser where Easy Blog will automatically import e-mails as blog posts on your site.
Responsive layout for composer and blog themes.
Other additional features in EasyBlog
Integrates with most Joomla templates and theme clubs such as Joomlart, Rockettheme, Joomlashine and many others.
Anti spam tools for comments with built in captcha tool and also Recaptcha 2.0
Responsive layout allowing viewing of blog posts on mobile devices or tablets.
Monetize your blog by integrating with Google Adsense.
Micro blogging for simple, short and quick blogging on the fly.
Search engine friendly out of the box.
Location support with Google Maps, Google Places or Foursquare.
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Forum View or Discussion View. Improved Administration. Company Workflow (Display operational hours or Public Holidays). Cloud Integration: Amazon S3. Ticket Priorities. Post your tickets or discussions anonymously. More autoposting places: Gist, Slack, Wunderlist, Telegram and LinkedIn integration. Display user profiles from EasySocial, Anahita, Community Builder, EasyBlog, Gravatar, JFBConnect, Jomsocial, K2, Kunena, JomWall, PhpBB, and more. Built in conversation system. Private discussions Recognize users by rewarding them with interesting Badges. Best navigation interface in the user profile system. Advance access control in categories. Powerful points system to honor active users. Receive live notifications as they come in, real-time. User friendly toolbar to manage, sort and search discussions. Blends into your existing Joomla template! Auto share discussions in Facebook, Twitter, and more.
Users banning (for a short period or permanently). @Mention. Unified Language Manager. Star ratings. Vote for your favorite discussion thread. Spam control (works with ReCaptcha and Akismet). Receive updates hourly, daily or weekly digests. Attach files, images and URLs into discussions. You can add polls into discussions. Users can report abuse for inappropriate discussions. Search engine friendly titles and topics. Voting system. Integrates with Joomla articles, Google Maps, K2 and EasyBlog Allows code syntax usage for advanced users Set password protection for private discussions Migrate from Kunena, JomSocial and vBulletin with the built-in migrator
EasyDiscuss also comes with free modules and plugins that works harder for you.
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* Start your own modern social network community with better engagement tool for your clubs, intranets, enterprises, large corporations and many other social websites. * Customized registration workflow based on specific membership requirements of your social network site. * Smooth and seamless blog layout integration with major Joomla templates in the market. * Highly extensible, with the ability to create your own application and tools within EasySocial. * Top quality products backed by a team of experienced web developers with over 20 years of experience.
Some of the key features in EasySocial
* Pages in EasySocial allow users on the site to create their own listings. It also includes a variety of applications to enhance your page. * Groups in EasySocial allows users to collaborate with one another and it includes applications which enhances your group. * Events allows users to create meetups and schedule events. Attendees can also collaborate in event pages. Links with the user's calendar as well. * Achievements system that allows users to achieve badges when they perform specific actions on the site. * Photo albums allows users on the site to host their albums and photos. * Highly customizable registration workflow to suit according to your community requirements. * Extensive privacy options for each user profile, posts and items on the activity stream. * Live community updates with live notifications and email notifications. * Allows Facebook users to quickly register on the site by signing up using their Facebook account. * Crowdsourcing by allowing users to report spam and abusive activities on the site. * Conversation (Private messaging) system that allows community users to communicate with one another. * Integrated points system that rewards your users when they perform specific actions on the site. * Migrate from JomSocial or Community Builder into EasySocial with easy steps. * Integrations with Amazon S3 to host your files and photos. * File sharing allows users to share files on your social site. * Responsive layout which works with mobile and table devices out of the box.
Other additional features in EasySocial
* Hashtags & mentions support in activity stream. * File sharing in groups and events. * Allows user to sign in with their email address. * Create events within groups allowing group members to host events. * Recurring events. * Multi lingual support. * Professional and elegant themes. * Tons of custom fields * Tons of 3rd party apps * and a whole lot more...
3rd Party Integrations
* Integrates with EasyBlog, EasyDiscuss and Komento out of the box. * Integrations with JReviews via JReviews EasySocial apps * Integrations with K2 via K2 app for EasySocial * Integrates with Joomla Articles * Mailchimp newsletters * Cometchat chatting engine * Invitex, Quick2Cart, jGive by TechJoomla * Parainvite by SIMBunc * JFBConnect by Sourcecoast * Music Collection by JoomlaThat * and a whole lot more...
EasySocial is developed and supported by the same creators of EasyBlog, EasyDiscuss and Komento. Start building your own social network today!
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User-friendly, customizable and packed with features like emoticons, BBCode, user permissions and importing from other commenting components among many others, RSComments! makes up for a complete solution for your website's commenting sections (articles, content, blogs, product pages). You can check out the component on the RSJoomla! demo using the link on the right
» Compatible with Joomla! 3.x
» Integrates with Joomla! articles » System Plugin allows placement of comments in 3rd party extensions » Spam and flood protection » Back-end editor button for enabling comments » Integration with Akismet » Built-in CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA integration » Accepts avatars from Gravatar, CB, JomSocial and Kunena » Custom layouts to display the comments » E-mail notifications » Voting on comments » Smilies & BBcode » Ajax validation when submitting comments » Censor words » Enable RSS on comments » Groups with permissions » Easy import from 3rd party commenting components » Global mask for date and time » Configurable comment messages: closed, denied, notification, subscription » Subscribing to threads » Terms and conditions » File uploads » Limit comment length » Accordion effect
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With RSForm!Pro you can create Joomla! forms within minutes. In fact, anyone who tried it noticed what a flexible form builder RSForm!Pro really is.
You name it - RSForm!Pro most likely has it! Some of its features: Multi-page, multi-langual, responsive, frontend submission editing, submission confirmation, conditional fields, built-in field calculation configurator, multiple spam prevention methods, including no captcha reCaptcha, PayPal payments, user registration, Google Maps and of course third party integrations such as: Mailchimp, Salesforce, ConstantContact and vtiger. You can get a preview of the component's functionality through the RSJoomla! demo site using the link on the right.
» Compatible with Joomla! 3.10+ and 4+
» Grid builder! » Seven Responsive HTML layouts: Responsive (CSS3), Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5, uikit 2, uikit 3, Zurb Foundation » Six HTML layouts to choose from: inline (xhtml), two lines (xhtml), inline, two lines, two columns inline, two columns two lines » Publish forms anywhere - inside Joomla! articles with the RSForm! Pro Content Plugin, in a template position by using the RSForm! Pro Module and anywhere else through the RSForm! Pro System Plugin » Thank You Message - display a fully customizable HTML message after the form is submitted correctly. » Multiple validations available - required fields, same value as other field (double check), alpha, numeric, alphanumeric, email address, unique field, USA ZIP code, phone no., credit card, custom accepted characters, IP address, URL, regex » Placeholders: everything your visitor submits is available as a placeholder and can be used in emails and thank you messages. » Multi-page forms » Conditional fields (display or hide a field based on the user's selection) » AJAX validation - validate the form without refreshing the page. » Total control over the HTML layout » Advanced areas - custom CSS, Javascript, PHP scripts » SEO oriented - semantic code, meta description and meta keywords editable on the form. » User Emails - configure an email to be sent automatically to the form submitter. » Admin Emails - configure an email to be sent automatically to administrators. » Additional Emails - define as many emails as you need! » MySQL Mappings - insert submitted data into another database (local or remote) » POST data to another location either silently or directly » Calculations » View submissions in the frontend by using the new Submissions Directory feature. Submissions are displayed in a tabular format, can be reordered by columns and filtered. » Submissions can be edited in the frontend » Extensive submissions management - export them into CSV, Excel, OpenOffice, XML. » Built-in SEF support, no extra 3rd party extensions needed!
Available fields
» Textbox » Textarea » Dropdown » Checkboxes » Radios » Buttons » Password » Upload » Free Text (add your own HTML code) » Calendar (popup or flat) » CAPTCHA » Hidden » Pagebreak (for multi-page forms) » Birthday (d/m/y dropdowns) » Google Map
» Collect payments through your form by using the Payment Package Plugins (PayPal and offline / wire transfer payments included). » Fight spam with Akisment and ReCAPTCHA » Collect leads in Salesforce, Vtiger, Zoho and more » Add subscribers (emails) to your ConstantContact and MailChimp lists » Google Analytics » Create a PDF file with the submitter's information and attach it to an outgoing email! » Create event subscription forms (RSEvents! Pro) » Create newsletter signup forms (RSMail!) » Replace your standard Joomla! registration form with a customized RSForm! Pro form
RSForm! Pro Feedback Module 3.0.1 RSForm! Pro List Submissions Module 3.0.4 RSForm! Pro Module 3.0.1
Arabic Brazilian - Portuguese 1.52.x Czech 1.50.x Danish 46 Dutch 1.50.21 Finnish 1.50.x Flemish (Vlaams) 1.50.x French 1.50.x German 1.50.x Greek 2.3.16 Indonesian 1.50.x Italian 1.50.x Japanese 1.50.0 Norwegian 1.50.x Polish 48 Portuguese 1.50.x Russian 1.50.x Spanish 44 Swedish 1.50.x Turkish 2.3.x
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Up to 400% more site visibility! Boost your indexing with JSitemap, the advanced sitemap generator and SEO indexing tool for Joomla
JSitemap PRO is for Joomla! what Yoast is for Wordpress, the most essential extension for every website: •Get more visitors from Google and Bing •Attract more visitors from social media •Increase your readers’ engagement
Built on the shoulders of Google, JSitemap ships with the official integration with Search Console/Google Webmasters Tools to submit, resubmit, delete sitemaps, monitor indexing status directly inside your Joomla! backend using a user friendly interface! Moreover the Google Search Console section allows you to monitor indexing, crawling, organic searches, keywords, clicks, impressions, devices, countries and the average SERP position for each page of your website.
Take advantage of not using a crawler-based approach to generate your sitemap, JSitemap fully automates the process to generate and submit your sitemap to search engines, so once it is configured you can forget about it! Each new piece of content will be automatically included in the sitemap, generated in realtime!
JSitemap is an award winning extension and a leading SEO indexing tool for Joomla!, it's a MUST HAVE for every site simply because a site that is not visible to search engines is... useless! You can increase the number of links indexed by Google up to 400% and gain a lot more visibility for your site! Moreover JSitemap also supports the indexing of files stored on the server filesystem like PDF, etc.
JSitemap has advanced and unique features to generate every possible kind of sitemap: •No plugins required, include links in the sitemap for each extension •Responsive HTML sitemap •Standard XML sitemap •Mobile devices XML sitemap •Images XML sitemap •Geolocation XML/KML sitemap •Videos XML sitemap for Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and HTML5 videos •Google News sitemap •Google AMP(Accelerated Mobile Pages) XML sitemap •Hreflang multilanguage XML sitemap •RSS feeds XML generation •Realtime sitemap generation •Integrated sitemaps submission to search engines •SEO Spider to identify and fix issues •Easy SEO control panel •SEO stats calculation: to calculate SEO stats such as ranks, visits, keywords, the number of indexed links, and more •Google Indexing API integration™ approved by the Official Google Team •Google Search Console/Webmasters Tool integration™ approved by the Official Google Team •Google Analytics integration™ approved by the Official Google Team •Google PageSpeed integration™ to monitor the performance of your website •One-click Wizard for data sources •Integrated robots.txt editor •Integrated htaccess editor •Search engines metainfo dashboard with a powerful system that instantly calculates the real pixel width of meta tags •Responsive multi-columns for mobile, 10 templates included •Multiple sitemap modules, add footer or side navigation tree •Links Analyzer to find broken, slow and not indexed links to avoid penalties •Ping all major search engines for new and edited contents •Google Indexing Tester™ to monitor how your site and keywords are indexed •Keywords Research Tool to get keywords suggestions •Stats and charts for sitemaps •Custom 404 page contents •Cronjobx support for large sitemaps and auto splitting •Headings H1, H2, H3 management and override •Canonical tag management and override •Fix duplicated titles for Joomla paginated contents •Multiple sitemaps with different contents using datasets •Mindmap and Navigation tree SCK - Sitemap construction kit™ •Caching system to speed up sitemap generation •Precaching with sitemaps AJAX generation •Splitting of large sitemap •Analytics integrations with web services such as Alexa, Hypestat and SearchMetrics •Opt-in for snippets and contents indexing if you are under the 'Europe’s new copyright law' enforced by Google •New technology to avoid Joomla HTTP 301/303 redirects let sitemaps be accepted from Bing and less powerful search engines
Inversion of Control Principle™ and Google Indexing API:
JSitemap, for the very first time, offers the functionality to realize an Inversion of Control principle for indexing your site. It's the first SEO software for Joomla in the world to implement the new Google Indexing API that allows any site owner to directly notify Google when pages are added or updated to perform a fresh crawl for a page, which can lead to higher quality user traffic. Up until now you had to wait until search engines came to crawl your site in a passive mode. Now you can reverse the process and send the information about your site to the search engines. Now are you that go to search engines to shout: "EHY! I've updated my site, here is the link!"
You can do this with sitemap submit functionality available in the SEO control panel, but this can be achieved in a more powerful way thanks to the integration with the new Google Indexing API and Pingomatic web services. Thanks to the Google Indexing API, it's possible to automatically submit URLs to Google when you save or update articles in the Joomla backend without the need to wait that Google crawls the sitemap. This feature dramatically speeds up indexing new URLs and crawling updated contents without relying on the classic sitemap only. It notifies Google of a new URL to crawl or that content at a previously-submitted URL has been updated. Ping-O-Matic is a web service that updates all major search engines with the information: Your site has changed or has new links and it needs to be indexed.
As always JSitemap is a step ahead and it integrates even with the Google PageSpeed Insights in order to fetch and render, directly in the Joomla! backend, a performance report for a given link that is extremely easy to understand. To optimize your website for the Google PageSpeed Insights, it's recommended to use the related JSpeed plugin:
JSitemap is built on "Data Sources" that allow you to embed into your sitemap items taken from any extension with no need for additional plugins. You can create a new user defined data source with the one-click wizard in few seconds and thanks to a powerful SQL Query Compiler™.
JSitemap includes a powerful and user friendly SEO control panel to accomplish all common tasks required for sitemap management and is compatible with all existing submission methods supported by search engines.
You can complete all tasks with just one click even for non-expert administrators and avoid need to have a Webmasters Tools account!
JSitemap has unique features that let you generate different types of sitemaps to gain top level SEO performance for your site. It works on every environment, supporting fine tuning for server load resources and caching system during generation of sitemaps.
It's also capable of generating RSS feeds for your contents and for a lot of common Joomla extensions such as EasyBlog, Virtuemart, Kunena, K2, Docman and more. As always just one click to add a data source and include elements in the RSS feeds, and for not included common extensions a custom data source can be used to generate RSS feeds covering 99% of cases. Using datasets to manage multiple sitemaps it's possible differentiate the elements included in the sitemap from that included in the RSS feeds, with a single extension now you can satisfy both needs.
Take advantage of advanced sitemap formats such as the Geo sitemap. It's particularly useful for search engines to identify the exact location of your business or website and to serve most pertinent search results to users based on their location and origin. The Hreflang sitemap is the most powerful multi-language sitemap that you can submit to search engines, instructing how your links are associated and related for all installed languages .
JSitemap ships with 2 special templates named 'Mindmap' and 'Navigation tree' that generate an amazing sitemap based on blocks that can be customized using the SCK – Sitemap Construction Kit™ settings for the layout. Once activated the Mindmap layout, the sitemap will be generated accordingly to layout settings, using by default multiple columns and supporting responsiveness for mobile. Moreover you can rule advanced features such as animations, dragging of sitemap elements, etc
Let's go! Take control of your contents! Using the Search Engines Metainfo Dashboard™ now you can finally instruct Google and search engines about the exact title and description that you want to be shown in search results for each page of your site contained in the sitemap! You can also control in a breeze which links should not be indexed by search engines. Moreover, the title, description and image specified will work even for socials when your pages are shared because it uses the Open Graph protocol. Optionally it can generate even Twitter Cards meta tags. Google states that it's no more enough to take into account the number of characters but the real pixel width of both title and description for mobile or desktop devices respectively. For this reason the Search Engines Metainfo Dashboard™ has an extremely powerful system that instantly calculates the pixel width of values entered both for mobile and desktop SERPs. It's also capable to self-generate a meta description by an excerpt of a page.
The SEO Spider is an easy and handy tool for everyone to identify SEO issues and improvements at a glance, such as duplicated titles or descriptions. Even non-expert people will be able to understand potential mistakes that could lead to penalties by search Engines, and learn how to avoid them. The SEO Spider includes a powerful and innovative tool called SEO Content Analysis to perform a page analysis against a certain focus keyword and giving you hints and a page score to improve the ranking. Additionally you can directly edit and override the most relevant headings tags H1, H2 and H3 and the canonical tag in just one click and even monitor the page load time in order to easily identify slow pages that could be penalized for the Google ranking. With this visual tool you can instantly identify weaknesses in your pages and improve them to rank higher on search engines for the specific keyword you want to be found.
The new Google Indexing Tester™ allows you to monitor exactly how your site is being indexed in Google SERP, to find out which links, titles and descriptions are indexed. Using this tool, you can also perform searches for specific keywords, varying language and country. In this way you can understand how your site is positioned on Google in different countries or languages all around the world! The Google Indexing tester™ is an extreme powerful tool and it integrates with the official Google API for search results, offering you exact results directly in your Joomla! backend. Moreover, it allows you to know the average keyword SERP rank, this allows you to know quickly in which Google SERP page your website is ranked for a given keyword.
The Google Indexing Tester includes a powerful tool for keywords suggestions of your interest and choice, that matter for your website and niche. Knowing the words your audience uses to search online is an extremely important aspect of SEO. SEO tools that help you research and find the most frequently used keywords in your industry can help you use terms with the highest search volume, so that you don't waste time optimizing your content for phrases that do not generate traffic. JSitemap provides a Keyword Research Tool to help pinpoint your niche market.
Google rolled out the new "Speed" reports within Google Search Console to confirm that the speed factor will be more and more important for the ranking of a website. Google gives preferential treatment to websites that load quickly! As always JSitemap is a step ahead and thanks to the Google PageSpeed integration™ it queries the Google PageSpeed API in order to fetch and render, directly in the Joomla! backend, a performance report for a given link that is extremely easy to understand, focused on the SEO and Core Web Vitals.Thanks to the PageSpeed report generated through JSitemap you can identify potential issues that affect the performance of your pages and could cause penalties in the ranking of the entire website.
With JSitemap you are not limited to a single sitemap shown in the main area of your site when the component is executed in the frontend, for example, linking a menu item to the HTML sitemap. You can manage modules to take advantages of multiple sitemap layouts and use that for example to render a footer quick-navigation structure or a side tree menu. Using the JSitemap module you will be able to choose placement of sitemaps on your site using modules and positions, and select specific settings for each module, for example, to show only data from a certain data source, choose a particular layout, etc
Another amazing feature of JSitemap is the integrated editor of htaccess file. Now you can avoid the risk of breaking your site with the wrong htaccess rule, thanks to the integrated editor that uses versioning and htaccess restoration. Using the integrated editor for the htaccess file you can easily add directives to manage 301 redirects and 404 pages. Everytime you add a new directive and save the htaccess file, the versioning will be incremented for the current session, and you will be able to restore a previous version of the htaccess or even restore the initial htaccess file using editor buttons.
Finally JSitemap includes integration with Google Analytics so that you can monitor Google Analytics stats directly inside the Joomla! backend using your Google account. This helps to monitor your site trend in a snap, JSitemap is a unique point of access for every SEO, stats and health information about your site.
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A Joomla! Form Builder designed for growth that's Easy and Powerful.
There has never been an easier way to create leads for your marketing campaigns than Convert Forms. Design perfect converting AJAX Forms for your Joomla website which integrate with an ever-expanding list of major third-party campaign services like MailChimp, AWeber, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, Zapier, Campaign Monitor, ConvertKit, SendInBlue, HubSpot, Zoho, Salesforce, ConvertKit & AcyMailing. Convert Forms Features
Form Builder Our builder allows you to create beautiful and optimized forms with no knowledge of coding.
Form Fields A wide variety of forms field inputs to your fingertips including, Textbox, Textarea, Dropdown, Multiple-Choice, Checkbox, Number, Email Address, Submit Button, Hidden Field, Date - Time, Country, Currency, Terms of Service, Confirm, Google reCAPTCHA
Pre-made Forms Templates Start in seconds with our pre-made responsive and elegant template forms.
Email Services Addons / Forms Integrations Sync leads with email providers like MailChimp, AWeber, GetResponse, Active Campaign, Campaign Monitor, HubSpot, ConvertKit, SendInBlue & AcyMailing
Email Notifications Send email notifications when users submit a form.
Form Submission Actions Choose whether to show a message or redirect the user after form submission.
The Magic of AJAX Form Submission The form submission takes place in the background. No reloads. The user never leaves your site.
Spam Protection Full security and spam prevention tools for your forms including honeypot and Google reCAPTCHA.
Forms Leads Management View all your form leads in one place to streamline your workflow.
Import and Export Forms Easily import and export your form from one site to another.
Highly Customizable Forms Forms are highly customizable. Background, color, border, padding, font, fields and more.
Easy to Embed Easily embed your form in articles, pages, sidebar widgets or footer using a module or a shortcode
Responsive & Mobile Friendly Forms Convert Forms is 100% responsive meaning it works on mobile, tablets & desktop.
Integrations Forms
ActiveCampaign AcyMailing AWeber Campaign Monitor ConstantContact (Coming Soon) ConvertKit Elastic Email GetResponse HubSpot iContact (Coming Soon) MailChimp SendinBlue Zapier: Connect your Joomla Forms with 500+ Web Apps ( Zoho CRM & Zoho Campaigns Salesforce CSV File: Export your leads to CSV file and use it with any 3rd party software
Form Ideas
Contact AJAX Forms Email Subscription Forms Redirect Form Zapier Optin Form Article Inline Forms Feedback Responsive Form Online Surveys Form Call me back Forms Sidebar Form MailChimp AJAX Form AWeber AJAX Forms ActiveCampaign AJAX Form ConvertKit AJAX Forms SendInBlue AJAX Form HubSpot AJAX Forms AcyMailing AJAX Form Campaign Monitor Optin AJAX Form SalesForce AJAX Form Constant Contact Optin Form (Coming soon) Slack Integration Forms (Coming soon)
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EasySocial Native for iOS and Android 1.0.6 - Full
EasySocial native comes with built-in dark mode support right out of the box. Native Video Uploads New Upload videos right from your mobile devices with EasySocial Native App. Built on React Native The app is written using React-native and it is optimized for mobile devices. Cross-platform compatibility Simultaneously runs on a single codebase for both iOS and Android OS. Admob Integrations New Monetize from users who download your app with Google Admob. Native Audio Uploads New Upload audio recordings right from your mobile devices into EasySocial. Personalization Uniquely define and distinguish your social site from others. Affordable Pricing Affordable pricing plans for you to get started with your own native apps on iOS and Android. TitanInstallation info: * Tested only with clean installation. Didn't overwrite on any previous versions. Didn't install 2021 and 2022 side by side! All tests are performed with clean setup.
* Do NOT overwrite installations, clean install is highly recommended!
Instructions: * Install the application. Preferably, do not start it yet. If you already did close it. Don't activate any trial use. * Replace all 3 patched files in program directory. * Under my test it worked without problems in online/offline/blocked via firewall mode. But for safety using a fw won't hurt.
Changes I've done: * Saved license type as: Professional Perpetual (Permanent). Mode License: Unlimited Usage. * There will be no expiration. * Product activation in Help menu is blocked. Why:
** Sdl.Common.Licensing.Provider.SafeNetRMS.dll library file got an integrity check on it and once this library file is patched blindly SDL Trados Studio application doesn't load throwing plugin error at startup closing automatically. The only way to get rid of this in this patch was to block Product Activation in Help Menu. When you click Product Activation, it'll throw an error, but it won't affect anything.
* Tested all sample translations with several reboots, time forwarding to several years ahead. No activation issues were met.Be note that I'm not a native user of SDL, therefore I did all the tests with my limited knowledge. If you find an issues, report it with me.. You know who patched it in the first place :)
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A Joomla! Form Builder designed for growth that's Easy and Powerful.
There has never been an easier way to create leads for your marketing campaigns than Convert Forms. Design perfect converting AJAX Forms for your Joomla website which integrate with an ever-expanding list of major third-party campaign services like MailChimp, AWeber, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, Zapier, Campaign Monitor, ConvertKit, SendInBlue, HubSpot, Zoho, Salesforce, ConvertKit & AcyMailing. Convert Forms Features
Form Builder Our builder allows you to create beautiful and optimized forms with no knowledge of coding.
Form Fields A wide variety of forms field inputs to your fingertips including, Textbox, Textarea, Dropdown, Multiple-Choice, Checkbox, Number, Email Address, Submit Button, Hidden Field, Date - Time, Country, Currency, Terms of Service, Confirm, Google reCAPTCHA
Pre-made Forms Templates Start in seconds with our pre-made responsive and elegant template forms.
Email Services Addons / Forms Integrations Sync leads with email providers like MailChimp, AWeber, GetResponse, Active Campaign, Campaign Monitor, HubSpot, ConvertKit, SendInBlue & AcyMailing
Email Notifications Send email notifications when users submit a form.
Form Submission Actions Choose whether to show a message or redirect the user after form submission.
The Magic of AJAX Form Submission The form submission takes place in the background. No reloads. The user never leaves your site.
Spam Protection Full security and spam prevention tools for your forms including honeypot and Google reCAPTCHA.
Forms Leads Management View all your form leads in one place to streamline your workflow.
Import and Export Forms Easily import and export your form from one site to another.
Highly Customizable Forms Forms are highly customizable. Background, color, border, padding, font, fields and more.
Easy to Embed Easily embed your form in articles, pages, sidebar widgets or footer using a module or a shortcode
Responsive & Mobile Friendly Forms Convert Forms is 100% responsive meaning it works on mobile, tablets & desktop.
Integrations Forms
ActiveCampaign AcyMailing AWeber Campaign Monitor ConstantContact (Coming Soon) ConvertKit Elastic Email GetResponse HubSpot iContact (Coming Soon) MailChimp SendinBlue Zapier: Connect your Joomla Forms with 500+ Web Apps ( Zoho CRM & Zoho Campaigns Salesforce CSV File: Export your leads to CSV file and use it with any 3rd party software
Form Ideas
Contact AJAX Forms Email Subscription Forms Redirect Form Zapier Optin Form Article Inline Forms Feedback Responsive Form Online Surveys Form Call me back Forms Sidebar Form MailChimp AJAX Form AWeber AJAX Forms ActiveCampaign AJAX Form ConvertKit AJAX Forms SendInBlue AJAX Form HubSpot AJAX Forms AcyMailing AJAX Form Campaign Monitor Optin AJAX Form SalesForce AJAX Form Constant Contact Optin Form (Coming soon) Slack Integration Forms (Coming soon)
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Events Booking (Event Booking) is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use Events Registration extension for Joomla. It allows you to create events(both free and paid), allows registrants to register for these events(Individual, Group registration or Shopping cart) and process payment via online payment gateways. Main features:
Nested Categories
Events Booking allows you to organize your events cross infinite categories and subcategories:
Unlimited categories and category levels.
One event can be assigned to one or different categories.
Creating, managing events from both backend and frontend of your site
Events can be free or paid events.
Events can be used for registration or just for displaying purpose.
You can create both one time or recurring events. For recurring events, different recurring types are supported: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
Event can have a fixed start date or a TBC (to be confirmed) date.
Use Joomla core ACL to handle who can view and register for your events.
Built-in Calendar
Users can browse for your events in a nice, responsive calendar:
Monthly layout allows viewing all events in the selected month.
Weekly layout allows you to view all events in a selected week.
Daily layout allows you to view all events in a selected date.
Events can have different color in the calendar (based on the category which it is assigned to).
6 different calendar themes to choose from : Default, Dark, Fire, Leaf, Ocean, Sky.
Easy switching between Monthly, Weekly and Daily layout.
Calendar Legend is also available.
Nice, clean, responsive layout based on twitter bootstrap (both BS2 and BS3)
That means your users can browse and register for your events on PC, Laptop, Ipad, Smart phones.....
Different layouts to display events to your end users
Calendar page to display events in calendar.
Upcoming events page to display list of up-coming events.
Categories page to display list of categories (and sub-categories).
Category page to display list of events in a category. Different layouts available: Default (list) layout, Columns (Grid) layout, Table and Calendar layout.
Location page to display list of events of from a location.
Event detail page to display information of event.
You can use content plugins come with the extension to display detail information of an event or registration form in a Joomla article.
Powerful, Flexible events registration handling
For each event, you can enable Individual Registration, Group Registration, Both or Disable Registration(mean event just used for display purpose).
You can enable shopping cart feature so that your users can register for different events within one checkout
You can limit number of registrants for each event(0 mean no limit).
Use cut off date setting to only allow registration before a certain date
You can activate waiting list feature so that when event is full, users can join waiting list. Then when someone cancel registration, you can enable users from this waiting list to join again.
You can activate registration cancellation feature so registrants can cancel their registration if something happens and they could not attend your event
Flexible Pricing Structure
You can set up individual price for each event(0 mean free).
You can setup group registration rates so that registrants will receive more discount (cheaper price) if they register for more number of registrants.
You can use early bird discount to give registrants discount if they register for the event before certain date. You can also use members discount feature to give discount for members on your site (different group members can get different discount rates).
Price for registration can be fixed price or calculated by the options which registrants choose on registration form during their registration (using powerful custom fee field feature).
You can setup fixed group registraiton rate so that price for registration doesn't belong group members.
Custom, flexible registration form
Integrate Joomla account registration (optional).
You can choose which fields you want to use on individual registration, for group members, group billing form.
You can create un-limited custom fields to collect any information you want from registrants.
Each event can have its own, independent set of custom fields.
Support 9 different types of custom fields: Textbox, Textarea, Dropdown, Multi-Select, Checkbox List, Radiolist, Datetime, Heading, Message.
Conditional custom fields feature is supported.
With custom fee field feature, the price which users will have to pay can be calculated based on what users choose on registration form.
Support 40+ payment gateways
The most popular payment gateways: Paypal,, Eway, Worldpay and Offline payment plugins come with the extension by default.
Other payment gateways such as 2Checkout, SIM (Server integration method) ,Google Checkout, First Data, iDEAL Mollie are released as separate payment plugins. See Payment Plugins tab to see list of available payment plugins.
If you need a payment plugin which is not supported, you can contact us and we will give you quotation for the development.
Powerful Emails Notification System
Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone register for an event or submit event from front-end(the emails which receives notification is configurable, multiple emails is possible - separated by comma). Please note that you can use different notification emails for different events.
Confirmation Emails sent to users when they register for an event or their registration is approved by admin (in case they use offline payment).
Mass Mails feature allows admin to send emails to all registrants of a selected event.
Reminder emails sent to registrants (automatically by the system) to remind them X-days before the event started.
Notification email sent to administrator when registrants cancel his registration.
All email messages are customizable.
Multilingual support
Events Booking comes with a true multilingual support. You can translate categories, events, custom fields to different languages easily if your site is multilingual.
Tax, Coupons Code and PDF invoices support.
Registrants Ticket
Registrants can print registration complete page and use it as a ticket for the registration.
Generate QR code support
Allow generating and inserting QR code into ticket and invoice
Using the generated QR code and an mobile application for checking in registrants.
Built-in front-end managements feature
Users with proper permissions (setup by admin via Joomla ACL)can perform the following tasks in the front-end
Submit events.configurable, multiple emails is possible - separated by comma). Please note that you can use different notification emails for different events.
Registrants can access to see their registration history, edit their registration records.
SEF / SEO optimization
Intelligent Joomla core SEF router generate friendly urls without having to use any third party SEF extensions.
You can set meta data (meta keywords, meta description) for each category and event.
Semantic HTML coding, follow standard that is official supported by Google, Bing and Yahoo. This way search engines will understand when the event will take place, where and what images and descriptions are related to the event. The semantic web will make your events and locations rank much higher in search engines
Google Maps integration
Easier locations / venues creation from back-end by drag the marker on the map. When you move the marker on the map, the address of location will be updated automatically.
Install(new payment plugin), change settings of the payment plugins which you use.
Change, customize messages / email messages.
Built-in translation feature
Allow you to change language strings (without having to edit language files directly) and translate it to different languages (if your site is multilingual).
Integrated with third party extension
Joomsical and Community Builder: Auto fill-in registration form with data stored in user profile. Also there is a registration history plugin allows displaying registration history of a user in his profile.
Integrated with newsletter extensions such as AcyMailing, Acajoom, CCNewsletter, Mailchimp so that when users register for event, they will be assigned to mailing list and you can send emails to it later.
Create and manage events. -Integrate with Joomcomments allows adding comment feature to event.
Plugin to display registration form on a Joomla article.
Search plugin allows searching for events via Joomla standard search.
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JEvents is a well known and Loved Events Calendar / Management solution for Joomla. JEvents provides a full events and calendar solution for your Joomla! site. Showing your events in listings or as a visual monthly calendar view, create complex repeats patterns, import and export your events with a couple of clicks, offer a feed with your latest events. The JEvents calendar is translated into more than 40 languages so we are likely to have a translation for your website. JEvents offer Complex repeating event patterns, repeating event exceptions, importing and exporting of calendars, a sophisticated layout editor for event detail, event calendar, upcoming event list and even event creation pages.
The JEvents package includes the main component, several modules and plugins to provide a feature rich solution to cover all of your event / calendar needs. Here is a quick rundown of what is included:
Events Component
One-off Events and complex repeat patterns of events that can be created and viewed in an attractive calendar and a variety of list formats
Multiple design layouts possible and customisable as we follow the Joomla! template override standards.
Fully compatible with Joomla MVC framework
iCal imports and exports of events and calendars - import a calendar from Google and from your phone and present the merged list of events in a singular calendar or event list view
Repeat event exception handling - remove one event repeat or change the event repeat date, the repeat time or the event description etc.
Support all day events or events with no end times
Events can be placed in multiple categories and calendar views that can be customised to show events from all or some of these categories
Optional checking for overlapping events on a global or category specific basis - so you can block event creation when the new event overlaps with an existing event
Custom layouts editor
If you're not happy with the default output - we offer a unique Layout editing tool to perfect the presentation of your single event pages, event lists and calendar views of your events. With just some basic HTML and CSS you can really customise the whole page to create the perfect event calendar for your needs
Edit how to display your events in: Events Detail page, Event List views or in the Monthly Calendar cells.
You can even customise the event editing page to make it easier for your users to submit events or edit an existing event
Custom layouts can be category specific, so your sports events can be laid out differently to your music events etc.
Running a multilingual site? Your layouts can also be language specific!! You can create translations of your events too so your visitors will see the details of each event in their own language.
Event Calendar module provides you with a basic monthly calendar view. Coloured to highlight when events are occurring and links to day lists of events or directly to single events.
Latest events module (List of events) which gives a highly configurable summary of upcoming events, recently created events or popular events
Events legend (Category List) - displayed alongside the component gives you a summary of event categories and an easy way to limit the events shown to specific categories
Filter module allows you to filter/search the events being displayed using a variety of search filters which are selectable within the module.
Events Search Plugin
A search plugin that enables the global Joomla search to search from the events in your event calendar
JEvents speaks Afrikaans, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese - Present your Events Calendar in the language of your users
JEvents has been powering event and calendar functionality on Joomla websites since 2006 and we have helped countless users to get their website running with a fully functional events / calendar system and will keep on providing JEvents for the foreseeable future. We are passionate about Joomla! and have been from the beginning so we are not going anywhere soon.
JEvents 3.4 is available for general download - this is a Joomla 3.x native component that takes JEvents to the next level using jQuery and Bootstrap.
Free and paid extensions are available to further extend the functionality of JEvents from our site and from 3rd party developers. You can therefore further and enhance your events management and presentation capabilities.
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Contact Enhanced also works as a Business Directory, just use Employees as Contacts.
Contacts Enhanced is a contact manager and form component packaged with lots of features:
GOOGLE MAPS and Directions;
UNLIMITED FORM FIELDS: Now you can have as many custom fields as you wish. You can request whichever information you need from the users that contact you; Available field types: Text, Multitext(textarea), SelectList, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Date, Date Range, Number, Number Range, MULTIPLE FILE UPLOADS (ATTACHMENTS), SQL*, Integration with newsletters ;
Bootstrap Compatible;
HTML Emails & Templates;
CAPTCHA (compatible with reCaptcha, SecurImage & any Captcha plugin), Free SecurImage Captcha plugin included;
If the user is logged in this script will get the name and email recorded in database, preventing the user to mistype his email
It will get your users IP Address, Browser, Operating System and Screen resolution
It uses jQuery (Joomla's default Javascript Library) to validate the form and for other scripts;
You can set each form to redirect to a specific page when the message is successfully sent
and much much more.
Form Fields Available
Text Field
Date range
Free text
Hidden input
Multi-text (textarea)
Multiple File Upload
Number Range Password
Radio Button
Select List
SQL (get data from your database)
Multiple SQL;
Newsletter Integration:
Campaign Monitor;
Constant Contact;
Advanced Custom Fields
Javascript (add js code to the page);
CSS (add css code to the page);
PHP (add php code to the page);
Plugins and Modules available
Content Plugin, which enables you to embed the form, map and contact details in an article;
Contact Enhanced Module, allows you to display the form, map and/or contact details in any module position
Feedback Plugin, Displays a site tab on your page and loads a modal window (lightbox style) with the form (optional);
Contact Locator / Store Finder Plugin, is integrated with Google Maps, so it that allows customers to locate your stores / contacts easily. Packed with Geo Location and Google Maps Direction your customers will never be lost again getting to your locations. The store finder will be able to list of nearby stores / contacts around your web visitors from nearest to the furthest distance away;
Search Module, displays the a search box and optionally you can display a select box for Category, Contact Position, Country, State and City. When the Country is selected it will load the respective States for the country selected and once the State is selected it will load the cities in that state.
Birthday Module, Displays upcoming birthdays of contacts;
Contact Creator Plugin, Creates a Contact automatically for each new user (optional);
Mailto2CE Plugin (Mailto Links to Contact Enhanced), changes all mailto links to a modal link to Contact Enhanced Form, protecting your emails from Spambots (optional);
Alpha Index Module, displays Alphabetic search links. It will filter contacts starting with the respective letter (optional).
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HikaMarket allow you to create a multi-vendor website and manage your store directly in the front-end for your HikaShop online shop.
Build your multivendor shop / marketplace website ! HikaMarket is a Joomla! component for the e-commerce solution HikaShop.
General * Edit your products, characteristics, variants, categories, orders, customers, discounts, coupons, shipping and payment methods directly in the front end * Use a Web 2.0 interface with ajax and drag & drop * Share your store management with other accounts via the frontend manager * Allow other vendors to sell their products in your store * Paypal Adaptive plugin for your split payments * Several users per vendor with specific rights and permissions * Available in more than 10 languages * Views (MVC), CSS and languages overrides for easy customization * Integration with the Joomla updater system * Compatible with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x
Marketplace * Custom vendor fields to extend the vendor page and registration * Each vendor can have a his own vendor profile page with the option of display vendors' products * Vendor dashboard with configurable statistics and graphics * Use shipping per vendor - and vendors can have their own shipping methods * Vendors can be paid directly - and vendors can have their own payment methods * Discount per vendor - apply a discount only on a specific vendor products * Sell bundles of products from different vendors * Vendor contact page * Vote and comments the vendors * Terms & Conditions per vendor during the checkout * Set advanced fee rules with multi-tier levels * Use fee or commission depending the payment method * Configure all rights / ACL for users and vendors * Set global limitation/restriction depending the user group * Limit the number of vendors in the cart * Automatic vendor creation depending the account access level * Vendor specific registration form * Dynamic vendor selection based on customer address zone or customer selection during the checkout (for sales representatives or for different warehouses shipping) * Product templating - create default configuration of products for vendors * Vendor variant - let your vendor sale create a variant of an authorized product * Dedicated vendor notification emails and integration with HikaShop Business for their customization * Advanced filtering for vendor listing based on location * Vendor listing module
Integration * Compatible with all HikaShop payment and shipping plugins * Compatible with the Joomla search system * Compatible with most of subscription system * Vendor points (with HikaShop points or AlphaUserPoints) to let vendor gain points with their sales. * Gift certificate thanks to HikaSerial
Additional Info
Compatibility:J3, J2, J1.5, J4
Includes:Component, Module, Plugin, Extension Specific
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Fully RESPONSIVE, spam-free, UNLIMITED forms & fields, fabulous LAYOUTS, amazing ANIMATIONS, helpful SUPPORT team and 13500+ happy users. Shack Forms for Joomla is the best contact form for your Joomla site. You can also explore our ready-made responsive layouts which you can easily adjust to your needs. Joomlashack is new name for Perfect Web & Shack Forms is new name for Perfect Ajax Popup Contact Form Version 4.0.0
Discover Perfect Ajax Popup Contact Form developed for Joomla! CMS. This contact form is fully responsive and spam-free (even with no captcha). What is more is that it enables you to create unlimited numbers of contact forms with unlimited fields, various layouts, effects. You can easily adjust it to whatever purpose you wish. Together with the form, you’ll receive 11 colourful layout options that you can use to make your Joomla website more beautiful. But don't feel limited. You can adjust colors and layout options so that it will look exactly as you want it. Find all about cool animations that can be used to display our module on your website including smooth slide in effect, various lightbox effects as well as an accordion effect. To be honest there are so many visual options you can't list them. But to mention only a few: it uses ajax, file upload and advanced spam protection (even without CAPCHA). As you see your possibilities are practically endless. File upload? Not a problem at all, files attached by users are securely transferred to your website.
Do your users use smartphones or tablets? Sure they do! Perfect Contact Form is fully responsive so that mobile users can use forms on your website with pleasure.
It doesn't matter if you use our module to create call me back forms, an application, a reservation, support ticket submission forms or polls, Perfect Contact Form will suit your needs perfectly. Our module's Powerful backend provides you with many customization options to make your form exactly as you want. Our module has default spam protection so that you are protected even if you don’t use a CAPTCHA. So you do not need to make users read those tiny letters. Nice, isn't it?
Our extension is easy to use, however if you have any problems our excellent support team will do its best to help you solve your problem as soon as possible. No wonder why 13500+ users have created ten thousands of forms through which they received millions of messages from their website users.
Our product is great for both regular users and developers, it is very easy to set up and if you want to tinker with it, you can do so with a wide variety of customization options available. You do not have to be a Joomla expert!
There are no extra payments for additional features - you are purchasing all-in-one bundle, to which we constantly add new features and integrations with various content and newsletter systems, such as: Zoo, SobiPro, JomSocial, Community Builder, Acymailing, Freshmail and Mailchimp.
We provide the top tier of user experience. It does not matter whether you want a small form or a very complex application - creating them with our product is really a child's play!
Toggler tab which slides in module from page edge - slide in effect is one of the most popular display options of our product. The tab moves fluently and smoothly while opening and displaying contact form.
Toggler tab which displays extension in Lightbox window - forget about boring lightbox appear effect. Now you can display your contact form in lightbox with all new animations including lightbox transfer effects such as: rotatation effect and two tremendous genie effects.
Standard static module with contact form, e.g. in sidebar or in Article content
Accordion effect - You can also display Perfect Contact Form on-site with cool accordion effect similar to this you may recall form iTunes or Google Graphics Search. Your contact form does not have to be boring. Try it out!
Positions of module's toggler tab: left, right, top, bottom, static
Colors of fields and buttons, toggler button/tab: black, blue, gray, green, lightblue, orange, pink, red, violet, white, yellow
Colors of background: black, gray, lightgray, white or define custom colors in configuration
Semi transparent background - Perfect Contact Form may overlay you page content, but it is not a must. You can set a semi-transparent background which is a another cool effect we can offer you.
Unlimited number of forms can be published at one page.
Unlimited number of fields type of: text, name, email, phone, subject, textarea, select list, multiple select list, single checkbox, checkboxes group, radios group, data picker with calendar, password.
Sort fields with drag-and-drop.
Split fields into columns.
Each field can have a tooltip and validation rule, can be required or not.
Display labels: inline with fields, above or inside.
Display any text or HTML code between form fields.
Upload files selected with a button or by drag-and-drop, set: size limit, files limit, extension types - demo.
Attach files directly to email or as links to files stored on server.
Advanced spam protection without any codes, but captcha can still be enabled.
Multiple email recipients, BCC, reply to email, Joomla User as recipient.
Drop-down list of recipients.
Automatically fill in User name and email if is logged in.
Send a copy of email to sender.
Send auto-reply.
Select HTML email template from files list or define text email template in configuration.
Set custom success message and email subject.
Ticket system - adds to subject unique date-time based ID or number counter.
Set custom toggler tab name, display it vertical or horizontal or hide it.
Track User information: IP address, browser, operating system, screen resolution.
Track page title and URL from which email was sent.
Page redirect to URL after sending email.
Google Analytics Tracking Page View or Event after sending email.
Google AdWords and Microsoft adCenter Conversion Tracking.
Google Docs integration - export form values to Google Sheets
Open the form from a menu item, image or link
Preload fields values with URL or link
Auto-open on page load, or on scroll, or on exit - when mouse pointer goes above top edge of page (experimental, not always works in IE 7 and 8).
Auto-open limit count - open for first X-times after page refresh and selected event.
Auto-open delay - if not opened earlier by user.
Auto-close delay - if not closed earlier by user.
Close other Perfect-Web boxes when opening contact form.
Call me back
Quick contact forms
Support questions
Job application
Ask about product (redShop, VirtueMart)
Acymailing - adds user email to mailing list
Freshmail - adds user email to mailing list
Mailchimp - adds user email to mailing list
Community Builder & JomSocial - sends email to user
SobiPro - sends email to owner of entry
Zoo - sends email to owner of item
Google Docs - export form values to Google Sheets
Joomla 2.5.x - 3.x
all modern browsers, IE9+, partly IE7-8
mobile ready, responsive
supports RTL
New customers can use only version 3.x of our contact form to get support from our team. We are no longer supporting Joomla! 1.5, 1.6, 1.7.
For Joomla! 1.5 there is still available for download without support old version of our form - 2.3.5 published on Jan 24, 2013 without new features which requires PHP 5 and MooTools 1.12 (since Joomla! 1.5.15) or MooTools 1.2.5 (since Joomla! 1.5.23 with enabled System Plugin - Mootools Upgrade).
Perfect Contact Form is translated to over 35 languages. Most translations have been made manually, but some forms translations are made using Google and Bing. However, you can easily translate forms to any language you need. Front-end translations includes: English, Arabic (by Rajeh A. AlHarithi), Bulgarian, Catalan (by Sergio Davila), Chinese Simplified, Croatian (by Hrvoje Znaor), Czech, Danish, Dutch (by Yoel van den Bosch), Estonian, French, Finnish, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian (by Nauris Sedlers), Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish (by Piotr Moćko), Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (by Sergio Davila), Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.
If you need any support please click "Support" button and ask question through a support form on our website. We will be happy to help you with any extension related problem.
Vast documentation is available on our website by clicking on the "Documentation" button.
1. How to change Toggler Tab text ('Ask a question' by default)?
Please go to our contact form module configuration and in Toggler Tab settings put your desired name in the 'Custom toggler tab name' field.
2. I want to customize the Toggler Tab position
In our contact form module configuration > Module tab in Position offset (red arrow) field input offset value in pixels (px) or percents (%) for example 200px or 25%.
3. How to change Toggler tab height/width?
Please edit toggler height/width in our contact form module configuration > Theme > Advanced > Toggler (at the bottom).
4. Emails are not being sent
If emails are not being sent then enable debug mode in Advanced tab of our contact form module configuration and try again to send an email. You should see more informations.
Please try to edit your e-mail configuration in Joomla's Global Configuration > Server tab - try using SMTP or your domain's e-mail - this issue should be resolved then.
5. Module is stuck on „Initalizing formâ€
Initializing forms error is caused by jQuery conflicts between our module and other extensions or your Joomla template. You will see the cause of error in your browser's console. Please try disabling other extensions using JavaScript and checking whether it will work correctly.
6. Title of form module still shows up
Contact form is working fine, but title of module still shows up, e.g. in left column with other modules. Then go to module configuration and on the left in Details section set Show title: Hide. Although on some templates it would not help, if that is the case then you have to publish this module in other position, preferably in debug position.
7. How to update our module?
First of all please put Download ID found after logging into your account on our website ( and put into Download ID field in Advanced tab of our module configuration. Afterwards if you have an active subscription, then you will be able to use Joomla autoupdater.
Of course you can always updage manually by downloading the newest version of our module from our website: ( and installing it through Extensions > Manage > Install (do not worry, your existing form settings will remain intact).
8. How to open our contact form with a link or an image?
Please go to our module settings, edit your form and in Documentation tab you will find Open contact form with custom HTML section. You can find different syntaxes for standard HTML link, image or URL. By the way, you can also use JavaScript to toggle our form or preload values into it programmatically.
Afterwards please paste it as HTML into where you wish for our form to open.
9. How to display static form in the article content (as component)?
Go to our contact form's module configuration Documentation tab and follow steps in option Display in article.
10. If I purchase standard 30 days subscription will my forms still work after it expires?
Yes it will, however you only get access to new versions and support for as long as your subscription is active.
11. Gmail SMTP settings
Setup Mailer settings in Joomla Global Configuration:
Mailer: SMTP SMTP Authentication: Yes SMTP Security: SSL SMTP Port: 465 SMTP Host: SMTP Username: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. SMTP Password: ********
If you have enabled Two-factor authentication in your Gmail account then you have to disable it or use an application-specific Gmail password.
12. Modules Anywhere
If you have loaded contact form into template with extension Modules Anywhere then it may not work, because JavaScript and CSS files are not being loaded into document header. You have to publish contact form in some template position. You can load our module with Modules Anywhere but only into Articles or Custom HTML module.
Please check out our Documentation tab in our contact form configuration to see the proper way of achieveing the same functionality as Modules Anywhere.
13. Captcha Our contact form does not require any captcha system at all! It has implemented Joomla! default flood protection and special JavaScript protection which allows to submit form only when JavaScript is enabled in the browser. Spam bot has disabled JavaScript and when it submits contact form it would only reload site and no email will be sent.
If you still want to use captcha you can either use our module's build-in Google's reCaptcha option or install some Joomla native captcha plugins and select one of them in Advanced tab of module configuration. By default Joomla has installed reCaptcha plugin. You can find more captcha plugins on Joomla Extensions Directory. After installing check if this plugin is type of captcha and not type of system.
14. Right to left language
Contact form support RTL languages. If your site is only available in RTL language then you should set in Advanced tab of module configuration Enable RTL: Yes. If you have site in many languages then leave Enable RTL: Auto. You have to install RTL Joomla! core translation before installing this module. Otherwise you will need to reinstall our contact form module. If you set Enable RTL: Auto then for RTL language left position would be automatically changed to right for this module instance if it is assigned to multiple languages.
15. Override language translations
Our form has many translations. If your site is not in English then you should install Joomla! core translation and then install this module. To correct translation edit language file adequate to your language, e.g. for English: language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_pwebcontact.ini
16. Contact form appears under menu or other layers
Change layer level (z-index) in Basic tab of module configuration. Default value is 1030. Enlarge this value until contact form would be on top. Reload browser cache on front-end to see changes.
17. Background image
For every layout you can select in Theme tab an image which will be loaded in background of contact form. There are also options to add padding on side of box that image would be not under form, but next to it. Module does not contain any sample images.
18. Module position
Contact form should be published at the position before body closing tag. Usually it is named debug. If you do not have such position then add the following code to your template in index.php file. Check out our documentation on how to do that.
If you publish module in any other position it should still work without any issues. You should hide our form module title if you publish it in other position.
19. SobiPro integration
How it works? When user would open contact form on SobiPro Entry Details View, email would be sent to owner of this entry if email address has been set in SobiPro Entry Edit Form in field type of email or text field with filter email or Joomla! User is assign as owner. You can also set BCC in module configuration to get all copies of emails. In message body you will have URL of SobiPro Entry and page title which can be also added to email subject.
How to start? Enable SobiPro integration in module configuration. Decide if you want to show contact form only in SobiPro Entry Details View.
How to insert Static contact form into SobiPro Entry or a Lightbox Static button? Enable Joomla! plugin content - Load Modules. Go to module configuration and publish it in position contact and set in Integrations tab Send email to owner of entry: Yes. Add to your SobiPro Entry Template syntax in SobiPro > Templates > XXX > entry > details.xsl Change SobiPro settings: Section Configuration > General Configuration > Template Data tab > Parse Template Output: Yes
How to use Slide in layout of module? Publish module in debug position or some other that your Joomla! template has. You can also add own HTML code to SobiPro Entry Template which would open contact form - see Documentation tab of module configuration to find code.
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Social network integration for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Instagram, VK, Github, Amazon, Meetup, Windows Live and more for Joomla! Post content to Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups, Twitter Streams and LinkedIn Company Profiles. Use Facebook Open Graph tag and Twitter Card tags to manage the looks of all content shared from your site. Show your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn streams easily on your site. And much more!
Simple Social Network Authentication
One-click registration and login from Facebook and 10 major social networks. Let your users access your site quickly and easily with no forms, passwords, and usernames to remember.
Automatic Social Sharing Buttons
Add Facebook Comments, Facebook Likes/Shares, Google +1, Twitter Share, LinkedIn Share and Pinterest Pin buttons automatically to your content.
Social Streams
Show the news feeds from Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook Personal Profiles, Twitter feeds and LinkedIn Company Pages. Streams are fully customizable and can chose posts from multiple providers merged into one feed.
Social Posting
Easily 'push' your content along with a custom comment and URL to Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook Personal Profiles, LinkedIn Company Page or Twitter streams. Works with all extensions!
Auto Posting
Automatically post new Joomla or K2 items, JomSocial Events and more to Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook Personal Profiles, LinkedIn Company Page or Twitter streams. Works with user or admin generated content to get news into your social feeds!
Facebook Open Graph and Twitter Cards Tags
Describe your pages to Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn using Open Graph tags, which are used to set you're thumbnail preview in user's Timelines. Twitter Cards are a similar set of meta tags specific to that social network. With Facebook's Open Graph Actions, you can post content to a user's Facebook Timeline about activity on your site. Facebook Open Graph Actions integrate with Joomla content, EasySocial, JomSocial, EasyBlog, jReviews, K2 and more.
3rd Party Profile Integration
Import user Facebook and other social network profile information including avatar and cover photo. Fully control your site's fields and what social network data should be imported into each one. Works with the User - Profile plugin, JomSocial, EasySocial, Community Builder, Kunena, K2, Virtuemart and more.
Over 50 Social Widgets
Easily setup and configure social widgets from any of the social networks we support. Includes: Almost 20 Facebook widgets, including Facebook Likes, Facebook Shares, Facebook Comments, Facebook Friends and Facebook Page Plugin. Google+ Community Badge, Embedded Posts, Follow, Badges and +1 LinkedIn Apply for Job, Company and Member widgets and Share buttons Pinterest Share Twitter Follow, Hashtag, Mention and Share buttons See full list below
Facebook Invitations
Let your users invite their Facebook friends to your sites. Configure a customized 'welcome' page for recipients as well to woo them in.
Auto-Configuration Tool
Don't mess with Facebook App settings yourself; JFBConnect can configure your Facebook Application automatically and check for common mistakes and errors.
Includes translations for nearly a dozen front-end languages.
Fully Documented
Detailed configuration guides take you step-by-step through all social network integration features available for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, VK, Github, Amazon, Meetup and Windows Live.
All Social Widgets
Amazon (All Amazon widgets can use your own affiliate ID for referral commissions)
Amazon Login - An Amazon login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
Amazon Carousel - Display products in a slick rotating display
Amazon MP3 Clips - Show songs from your favorite artist or genre
Amazon My Favorites - Select and display any products you want
Amazon Omakase - Let Amazon decide which products to display most relevant to the current user
Amazon Search - Add an Amazon search button to your site to gain extra referral fees
Facebook Login - A Facebook login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
Facebook Comments - Show the Facebook Comment box in articles or any other Joomla content
Facebook Comments Count - Show the Facebook Comment count for an article, great for a blog listing
Facebook Embedded Post - Have a favorite Facebook post? Show it anywhere
Facebook Embedded Videos - Embed a Facebook video anywhere
Facebook Like - Add Facebook Like buttons to any page
Facebook Page Plugin - Show your Facebook Page's activity stream, information and a Facebook Like button
Facebook Requests/Invitation - Let your Facebook friends invite their friends
Facebook Share - Have your users post your content to their Facebook Timeline
Facebook Shared Activity - Show your users any content they've shared with your site and set the appropriate privacy settings
Facebook Open Graph Action - Push Facebook Open Graph Actions to your guest's Facebook Timeline
Google +
Google Login - A Google login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
Google Community Badge - Show information about a Google+ Community
Google Page Badge - Show information about a Google+ Page
Google Personal Badge - Show information about a Google+ Profile
Google Follow - Let your users easily follow a Google+ user
Google Embedded Post - Show a selected post from a Google+ user
Google Hangout - Create a Google Hangout with the click of a button
Google +1 - Let your users like and share your content through Google
LinkedIn Login - A LinkedIn login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
LinkedIn Share - The standard share button from LinkedIn
LinkedIn Alumni - Show alumni from any LinkedIn school
LinkedIn Company Insider - Display a list of employees in any LinkedIn Company
LinkedIn Company Profile - Display a summary of any LinkedIn Company
LinkedIn Jobs - Display a list of jobs relevant to the viewer
LinkedIn Member - Display information about any LinkedIn user
LinkedIn Follow Company - Show profile information along with a follow button for any LinkedIn Company
Instagram Login - An Instagram login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
Instagram Embedded Picture - Display any picture from your personal profile or any public Instagram image
Instagram Embedded Video - Display any video from your personal profile or any public Instagram image
Meetup Login - A Meetup login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
Meetup Group Stats - Show member count and activity statistics from any Meetup group
Meetup OEmbed - Fully customizable HTML layout for display Meetup group information
Meetup Sponsored Groups - Display Meetup groups in a specified sponsorship campaign
Pinterest Share Button - Show the standard Pinterest sharing button
Twitter Login - A Twitter login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
Twitter Share - Show the standard Twitter share/Tweet button
Twitter Follow - Display a Twitter Follow button to increase your followers
Twitter Hashtag - Show a list of Tweets with the specified hashtag
Twitter Mention - Show a list of Tweets that mention the specified user
Twitter Embedded Tweet - Embed your favorite Tweet wherever you want
Github Login - A Github login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
Yahoo Login - A Yahoo login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
Windows Live
Windows Live Login - A Windows Live login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
VK Login - A VK login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
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Translate your site in multiple languages in the easiest way. The Falang component allows you to manage all your content translations, even the content of all your components/modules, on your web site.
Since the 2.0 vesion show you the status of component translation directly in joomla for menu, article, module.... you can easy extend it for almost all components.
The component is so flexible that you can easily add new components at a later date and then translate the new content.
With extensions you can translate k2, aiContactSafe, hikashop, Redshop, jDownload, phocaDownload....
The free version has a backlink to faboba site. You can remove it if you upgrade to a basic or standard version without losing your translations and parameters.
The Free version has no limitation.
Falang doesn't use the default language system of Joomla 2.5 and 3.5. You don't have to specify a language for each content article or menu item (which results in a huge amount of duplication).
Did you ever ask yourself how you can create a multi-lingual website without copying every single item and re-creating them in the new language? Then Falang is one of the possible answers to this problem.
In case of problems look for the solution in that page: falang's problems resolution
Falang was a fork of Joomfish 2.1.7 which has been re-written to be compatible with Joomla! 2.5 and now Joomla! 3.9
Previous Versions:
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Facebook Feed Pro is a simple and powerful tool to add Facebook content to Joomla website in an easy and seamless way.
With Facebook Feed Pro you can increase your audience and engagement of your website visitors. Posts, Photos and Videos that you publish on your Facebook page will be automatically displayed on your website with the Facebook Feed Pro extension.
⚡ No coding skills required ⚡ No API keys required ⚡ Instant preview ⚡ Live Stream videos supported ⚡ New Page Experience supported
3 Widgets in One
Facebook Feed Pro is a must have extension with which you can display 3 types of Facebook content on your website: posts, photos and videos. You can create feeds, photo galleries and videos galleries which will be updated automatically when you will add new items into your Facebook page.
Responsive Layout for Any Device
Set the widget size so it can fit into the desired place and it will adapt the contents to the feed's size so it will look awesome on any device. Also you can custome how it will look on each device size.
50+ Customizable Options
Customize the feed to fit your website's layout with more than 50 customizable options. Show widget as a complete sourse of your Facebook page information or turn it into a photo or video gallery.
Features List:
No coding required
Facebook Feed Pro works with your Facebook public page (NOT USER PROFILES) - you must be owner/admin of the page
All customizations are done with the integrated visual builder
Supports all main types of Facebook content – posts, photos, videos
Load More button to let you view all the content in the Feed
Set the Facebook Feed size any way you like – make it fit your screen full size, or place it in a specific area of your website
Fully responsive and adaptable content perfect for any mobile device
Adaptable height – set up a scrollable fixed-size widget, or make it stretch as your feed grows longer
Widget header displays the main information on your Facebook page – cover, picture, name, number of likes
Fully customizable header – hide the information you don’t need, or disable the header altogether
Turn off the content type tabs you don’t want to display
The option of hiding the menu – perfect for those who need to use one content type
The Facebook Feed Pro for Joomla displays complete info on each post – author, publication date, formatted message text, picture, likes, comments and share counts
This widget allows to share a post from the feed on Facebook
All photos and videos open in a stylish popup directly on your Joomla website
Popup displays the picture or video, its author, description, publication date, likes, number of comments
Use arrows to scroll through the content directly in the popup
Facebook Feed Pro Plugin Displays Facebook page cover photo as well. You can hide your Facebook cover if you want
Very easy to configure Facebook Widget on your Website
Our Facebook Feed Pro widget is being used on many websites
Facebook Feed Pro Widget is mobile responsive. Facebook feed looks very nice on mobile devices
Choose your Facebook Page from the list. Also your Facebook page have to be public. Facebook Feed Pro won’t work for Facebook Profile, Facebook Events or Facebook Groups. It works for Facebook Public Pages Only!
Our Facebook Feed Pro plugin serves a double purpose – it lets you acquire new followers, at the same time allowing you to promote your online business on Facebook. Keeping your visitors entertained leads to higher conversion, and bigger sales, and your amazing Facebook content will be the reason they’ll come back again and again, and spend more time on your website. Besides, the rich range of customizable options we’re offering will allow you to style the Facebook Feed exactly the way you need!
The Benefits of Facebook Feed Pro plugin
Facebook Feed Pro is a Joomla extension that embeds your Facebook Page directly into a website. Once installed, the only thing to do is to choose your Facebook Page from the list and you will instantly view the changes in the feed while you change the options.
Facebook is most popular social media platform. Facebook Feed Pro plugin allows you to display Facebook Page content on your website. By using our Facebook Feed Pro plugin you can connect your website visitors using your Facebook Page. Nowadays every one showcase their portfolio on Facebook. That’s why it’s become very important to use Facebook Feed Pro plugin on website.
The smartest business owners integrate Facebook into their business websites in order to take full advantage of all of the social media benefits provided by Facebook. Make the right choice, download Facebook Feed Pro for your website. Facebook Feed Pro is a customizable Facebook widget that can easily display your Facebook page content (Facebook posts, Facebook photos and Facebook videos) directly on any Joomla website. Allow website visitors to view Facebook posts likes, Facebook shares, Facebook cover photos, without having to leave your site. Download and install Facebook Feed Pro today.
Design your Facebook Feed
Facebook Feed Pro provides a great design customization of your feeds. Adjust your Feed layout columns, rows and mobile optimization. Customize Facebook posts display and the whole feed fast and easily. Even your grandmother can do!
How to add Facebook Feed Pro plugin to Joomla website
Adding Facebook Feed to website with our fantastic Joomla extension takes less than a minute. All you need to do is configure the settings of the widget and paste it to your website! - Purchase the extension at - Install the package to the admin panel - Customize design - Copy-paste the short-code to the page or template where you want the Feed to be displayed
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RO Payments connects with the following payment providers: - ABN AMRO - Buckaroo - ING iDEAL 2.0 - Mollie (new API) - Ingenico - Rabobank (including OmniKassa 2/OnlineKassa) - Sisow - Target Pay - EMS - Stripe - Ginger Payments
International payments are now easier than before using Stripe as your payment provider. RO Payments includes the Stripe Payment Elements.
Further you can make your own payment page to receive payments without the need of another extension. In addition there is a module that allows you to generate a payment link. This link can be send to someone to have them pay through your website.
Extensive support for RSForm! Pro through our own fields. You can even have a different payment provider per form.
RO Payments now includes an editor button to easily insert a payment link into your articles. This is combined with a new system plugin that will allow you to put a payment placeholder anywhere in your site and that will be turned into a payment link.
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