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FaLang 5.8 - Joomla
FaLang 5.8 - Joomla 
Translate your site in multiple languages in the easiest way. The Falang component allows you to manage all your content translations, even the content of all your components/modules, on your web site.

Since the 2.0 vesion show you the status of component translation directly in joomla for menu, article, module.... you can easy extend it for almost all components.

The component is so flexible that you can easily add new components at a later date and then translate the new content.

With extensions you can translate k2, aiContactSafe, hikashop, Redshop, jDownload, phocaDownload ....

The free version has a backlink to faboba site. You can remove it if you upgrade to a basic or standard version without losing your translations and parameters.

The Free version has no limitation.

Falang doesn't use the default language system of Joomla 2.5 and 3.5. You don't have to specify a language for each content article or menu item (which results in a huge amount of duplication).

Did you ever ask yourself how you can create a multi-lingual website without copying every single item and re-creating them in the new language? Then Falang is one of the possible answers to this problem.

In case of problems look for the solution in that page: falang's problems resolution

Falang was a fork of Joomfish 2.1.7 which has been re-written to be compatible with Joomla! 2.5 and now Joomla! 3.9


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